One Nipple Down (Literally) & Skin Grafts to Go

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2020

So, here are the latest pics (since I last posted) of my chest. Since my last blog:

  • I had a complete meltdown earlier this week, and my wife had to contact the “Gandhi of Liam” (at least that’s what she calls my friend, Kim M.) to talk to me and calm me down. I mean, this is what I posted on FB during the meltdown:

I’ve tried to be positive since my surgery, considering the complications, pain and discomfort I’ve had (and continue to have)…but I’m just not sure how much longer I can be strong and think positive. I know, I know…everything happens for a reason, but I can’t find the reason…or the silver lining right now.

  • I have had red light therapy 3 (maybe 4) times — and it really did help. Wow! So many thanks to a new friend for offering this to me. She knows who she is. 😁 My wife, (I so love her) has now ordered one of the red light therapy devices.
  • I have had PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy) on my chest.
  • I’ve been back to see Dr. MacPhee and had one of my nipples removed. It was already dead — just hanging on by a bit of mushy skin (and it stunk). Hopefully, the other nipple is going to make it. Doc seems to think so.
  • Dr. MacPhee also cut open a fluid pocket on my chest…and wow, did that feel awesome!
  • Had my second COVID test (UGH! Hate those things!) in preparation for my next surgery. BUT…thanks to my wife, I had some awesome mint chocolate chip (or chunk) Goodberry’s ice cream after that horrible swab in the brain (I mean nose).
  • I found out (from my last follow-up visit) that the places that will need some skin grafts are not nearly as big as we thought they were going to be.🙏🙏🙏
  • Decided (along with Dr. MacPhee) that we would use skin from the inside of my thighs for the skin grafts. She will be using full-thickness skin grafts (not split-thickness). FTSGs are aesthetically pleasing and a good choice for the face or other highly-visible areas of the body. Plus they don’t “shrink” like the STSGs. She will be taking skin from my inner thighs. Ouch!
  • Had my next surgery scheduled for Friday, the 18th. Have to be at the hospital by 6 AM. Surgery should take about 2 hours, and then I should be able to come back home. Skin grafts will be done, including grafting over the spot where my “necro nipple” was. Gonna get some 3D tattooing after I’m healed, for sure.

Yep…looks awful, and it IS as awful as it looks. Feels gross. Looks gross. That yucky nipple — that’s the one that’s now gone — along with its awful smell.

BUT…I will be going into surgery with a positive mindset — though I am scared to death.

Is it just me…or has my nose shape really changed??? Whoa!

As my friend, Kim shared with me yesterday…

I especially like the part about being loved more than I know. 😁 🤗💜

Anyway, that’s all for now. Please continue to send positive thoughts, healing words, support, encouragement, and love. I need all I can get as I take on the next phase of this journey.


