Worth Blogging About

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2020

No, today isn’t some great milestone that I’ve achieved in my journey to recovery…but it is (I think) a very good day.

Since my two surgeries in September (my top surgery & my skin graft procedure) I’ve been dealing with a lot — complications from my initial surgery, skin grafts that died, open wounds, edema, and a great deal of scar tissue.

Yes, I’m still dealing with the edema and scar tissue, but my wounds have healed very nicely. I just need to get some treatment done to help with the scars. I’m going to physical therapy 2–3 times a week to help get rid of the edema and scar tissue, and I’m really happy with my two therapists. I know I’ve got a long road ahead — it won’t be an easy process…but I’ll get there.

So…other than that, you’re probably asking yourself why today is such a good day. Well, I’ll tell ya. I had yet another virtual follow-up with my amazing surgeon this morning. She is one in a million — couldn’t have asked for anyone better. During the appointment, she kept telling me how good I look in such a short amount of time — how I’m healing wonderfully. She also said that I have handled this much better than most (she’s pretty proud of me). Annnnnnddddd…she asked me if I had been working out and doing push-ups. I told her that my physical therapist didn’t want me doing push-ups just yet, though I have been given other exercises to do. When I asked her why…guess what she said??!! “When you’re moving around, I can see your pecs flexing, and they are very defined. They will just continue to get more defined as you heal and start to add more into your workouts.” Whaaaaaattt???” 😁😁😁

So…while I still have quite a ways to go to get the chest I want (and deserve), today…I feel pretty damn good. I have a feeling that 2021 may just be my year. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

Peace and love to all of you! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!


