Quirky Queuing Quips

Tom Dewhurst
Becoming Ordable
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2015


A line-up of 10 frustrating situations

We’ve all been there, standing like a lemon at the back of a seemingly endless queue of people. Is that coffee/bus/ticket/beer/iPhone/flight really worth it?

You’re trapped, staring at the back of some strangers head. At least they have a stupid hair cut, that entertains you for all of 5 seconds. You can feel time irretrievably slipping away. The last thing you want to do in your ‘leisure’ time is stand still for extended periods.

The tension is building. You’re on edge. This better go smoothly!

It never does. Man, queuing is a pain in the arse. Here are 10 of my least favourite situations which tip you over the edge:

  1. When some idiot waits until the front to decide what to have
Wake up - you’ve had 10 minutes to choose. Get a move on!

2. That person who orders for her 6 mates

Who ordered a case of the ‘get your own coffee’

3. No escape from a crying baby

Too be fair…this would probably make me laugh

4. Being passively forced to overhear an awkward conversation

I don’t know how to help with your divorce. Maybe chat at home?

5. Battling drunk and ‘h-angry’ punters in the extreme circumstances of Bar’s and McDonald’s queues

It’s not even worth it!

6. The catch-22 when all you need to get through the queue is a coffee but the only way is to wait in line

Hurry up or end up in my metaphorical pit of hate

7. The toe treaders

You better watch your step

8. When your phone is out of battery

How am I going to kill time now?

9. Getting to the front and being told you are in the wrong queue

I don’t care. Don’t have two queues.

10. “Next customer please” — no movement

That means you, move it, are you deaf?

You may have experienced some or all of these situations in your queuing career. I bet you agree with my frustration.

As you can guess, I am determined to save myself time, be efficient and be productive (queuing isn’t for me). Hence, I’ve created Ordable to save everyone time, everyday!

I know it can be a mission to queue up for your coffee in the morning or grabbing a quick sandwich at lunch. And so, Ordable’s mission is to help you out! By simplifying the order and payment process using a smartphone, your order will be ready and waiting for you. Its your order, your time and now… in your control.

Also, if you download the app you will receive free coffee and rewards. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Go on, just click our logo to download the app:


Need more convincing? We’ve got it covered: http://ordable.co.uk/

Gif Source: http://giphy.com/



Tom Dewhurst
Becoming Ordable

Founder & CEO of @Ordoo_UK | An awesome app for busy people to save time collecting coffee & lunch |Once upon a time, a man had a vision…