There’s Always More Than 1 Person You Have to Convince
Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay


There’s Always More Than 1 Person You Have to Focus On

And why you should stop preaching to the choir

Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
Becoming Superhuman
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


From the book:

The mistake most people seem to make, is that they are trying to convince a friend or their child of something without taking the environment (e.g. people) in mind.

In fact, if you can change their environment, people, and their opinions, you don’t even have to convince the person you wanted to convince in the first place at all. That person will, hopefully, change over time due to exposure.

Another big mistake people make, is that they are focusing their time and energy on people who are already convinced of whatever belief they have i.e. preaching to the choir.

Instead, a better choice would be to spend your time and energy on people who are not (yet) convinced.

If you, for example, want to befriend everyone, you don’t focus on those who are already your friends. You focus on those who are not yet your friends.



Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
Becoming Superhuman

Primary: Intelligence Amplification (Overlap: Computer Science) | Secondary: Sports (Data) Science (Specialization: Road Cycling and Resistance Training)