Light Your Fire — Transformation Through the Chakras

Darlene Lancer
Becoming You
Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2020


Okan Caliskan/Pixabay

A creative life force sleeps within each of us like a coiled serpent, waiting to be unleashed to evolve humankind to the next level. Ancient Tantric practices awaken this energy, called kundalini, by using the body, breath, sound and visualizations to speed its journey to God realization, not over many lives, but potentially in your lifetime.

People have three bodies: The physical body and its consciousness; the astral or subtle body, experienced as feelings and emotions; and the causal body, expressed as intelligence and wisdom. The seven chakras act as energy transformers for the three body/minds, each governing different functions. As each of the chakras is activated, the body/mind is purified, matter is spiritualized, and your consciousness is expanded. Gradually, energy moves from darkness, the negative pole, to light, the positive pole, and full consciousness at the seventh chakra. The process has been compared to psychoanalysis.

FIRST CHAKRA: Self-preservation

Muladhara chakra, at the coccyx, is a negative pole. At this level, you are wedded to establishment values. Security and self-preservation are predominant themes. Primitive energies, such as fright, fight and flight are prevalent responses to being attacked or injured physically or psychologically. You experience intense…



Darlene Lancer
Becoming You

Therapist-Author of “Codependency for Dummies,” relationship expert. Get a FREE 14 Tips on Letting Go Join me on FB