How to Let Go and Surrender

Darlene Lancer
Becoming You
Published in
Mar 25, 2021


Surrender is nothing one can do.

It’s an absence I can’t create.

It’s what I must remove:

All that I want,

All that I understand,

All that I believe I am,

All that I hope for.

Then I surrender,

Not by choice, not easily.

If I abandon everything to find God,

That desire is still something.

I haven’t let go.

In stillness, I surrender,

In the full and empty mind

That fills the heart with peace

From each moment to the next

Abiding presence is all there is.

Surrender creeps in unnoticed.

“Ah ha,” I say,

and surrender flies away.



Darlene Lancer
Becoming You

Therapist-Author of “Codependency for Dummies,” relationship expert. Get a FREE 14 Tips on Letting Go Join me on FB