How NASA plans to find Aliens in our lifetime by exploring Oceans.

Hint — not at Area51…

Anthony DiMare
Bedrock Ocean Exploration


This past week was a big one for the Alien world. In honor of the Area51 raid, the infamous Tom DeLonge being correct about exposing unidentified flying phenomena (he quit Blink 182 to expose the existence of Alien’s…) — I thought it was only appropriate to do an in-depth piece on how NASA is actually planning to find Aliens in our lifetime.

Believe it or not, ocean exploration is a key component to the plan, hence where my interest particularly peaked!

So if you’re ready to learn about ocean exploration, E.T., and how it’s all connected — this is one for you.

NASA’s doin’ WHAT — N.O.W.?

It turns out NASA now believes the best (and most probable) place to find real-life aliens in our own solar system within our lifetime, is at the bottom of other planet’s ice-covered oceans.

They’re so convicted of this they are starting a new initiative to boost human’s capability to explore the subterranean environment on other planets called the Network for Ocean Worlds (NOW).

The plan is to explore below the ice of Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede and, subsequently, Saturn’s moons Enceladus and Titan.



Anthony DiMare
Bedrock Ocean Exploration

Building Bedrock — CEO & Co-founder. Co-founder of Nautilus Labs.