3 Crazy Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Periods

Sam Nzilili
Bedroom Issues
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2018

A lot of women out there only know that they have to bleed out a few days every month and experience some very annoying, if not very severe pains. That’s all. If you’re one of them, then be sure that there’s a lot about your periods that you don’t know. And one of them is that an average woman will have around 450 menstrual periods in her lifetime. The least is 150.

And even if you know a little more than that, your periods will still manage to hit you with a surprise, either by coming a little earlier or later than you expect. Another crazy fact is that a missed period is not an indication of pregnancy. Got it?

Now let’s look at these three crazy facts about your periods.

1. Cramps Are Not Normal

So you’ve had cramping pains all your life during periods until you’ve come to believe it’s a normal thing? Well, it’s not, it’s a condition. It’s an indication that something else is involved. You might either be taking too much sugar, or have a high level of estrogen. Sugar causes an inflammatory response which triggers the uterine muscle to contradict, causing pain.

Cramps are annoying to many women, and to others, they become so severe that they cannot carry on with their daily activities. If you experience such pains during periods or have an irritation on the uterus the first and immediate thing you need to do is to visit a gynecologist.

2. Orgasm is The Quickest Cramping Pain Reliever

Your uterus is more relaxed during sex, I mean before orgasm. At the moment of climax, the flow of blood increases significantly, causing an instant pain relief. When the uterine muscles contract they release a series of brain chemicals. One of these chemicals is the body’s natural pain reliever called oxytocin which causes menstrual cramps to stop immediately.

So, forget about the many stories you’ve heard about period sex. If you’re having crazy cramping pains, forget about the drug cabinet, grab your partner, and sex yourself to a big orgasm, and those pains will be gone before you know it.

3. If you’re On Pills, Your Periods Are Fake

Birth control pills influence your body in a million and one ways, well, that’s exaggerated. The fact is, when you take your precautionary measures, you confuse your body. Under normal conditions, your uterine lining grows big and thick in readiness for a fertilized egg. When the egg doesn’t come, the uterine wall breaks and sheds out in the form of menstrual flow. Natural hormones in your body cause the growing and thickening of the uterus.

When you take in the birth control pills, you introduce synthetic hormones in your body, which tricks it to believe that it is pregnant; thus the uterine lining cannot grow thick, and the ovary cannot be released.

During your placebo time, there are no hormones in your pills, and your body, so you experience what is called a withdrawal bleed. It is more or less the same as your periods, but it is not, it is fake

