5 Grocery Store Foods to Restore Your Bedroom Glory

Sam Nzilili
Bedroom Issues
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2018


Years back, Erectile Dysfunction was believed to be an old man’s problem. Nowadays that is not the case. Sexual performance shortcomings for men nowadays hit as young as 20 years old guys.

One reason for the increased erectile dysfunction problem amongst the modern men is junky diets and high levels of personal stress. If you do not put your food in check, you’re not just subjecting yourself to weight problems; you’re also on the verge of wrecking your erection.

Doctor’s ED treatment prescriptions like Viagra and Cialis are a one-time solution; they deliver chemically induced erection that your body cannot naturally achieve.

While many men have opted for doctor’s prescribed remedies like Viagra, today I want to show you a better solution that can go as far as restoring your rock-hard erection fully.

5 Foods for Rock-Hard Erection

1. Raw Garlic

A scientific study done on animals proved that garlic is a rich source of Testosterone. Testosterone is an essential libido hormone that also improves erectile firmness. Taking garlic also reduces inflammation and increases the output of nitric oxide. Garlic is a proven remedy for people suffering from high blood pressure. High or low blood pressure makes it impossible for a man to attain and keep an erection.

Rock-hard erections are directly linked to blood circulation in the body. Garlic directly stimulates the eNOS system of the body, which is the enzyme that commands your body to release more nitric oxide. The nitric oxide improves the blood flow by widening the arteries.

High blood pressure is among the primary causes of ED. Research shows that garlic treats high blood pressure more efficiently than many refined pharmaceuticals.

With all these benefits, garlic is one thing you should include in your every day must-eats. Don’t worry about the donkey smell; you’re better off smelling like sheep but feeling like a horse.

2. Beetroots

Don’t be mad at yourself because you’ve been leaving this thing on the supermarket shelves every day. You didn’t know how helpful it could be to your condition. Am telling you now. Beetroot is among the best vegetables that treat erectile dysfunction for men. I’m not saying that it doesn’t help women.

Research shows that Beetroot is a rich source of an inorganic component, Nitrates, which is naturally present in water, air, and particular foods. Taking Beetroots increases the levels of nitric oxide, which is a fundamental sexual desire and erectile booster.

Beets contain natural nitrates, which upon eating them (beets) converts into nitrites through the bacteria present on your tongue. When you chew and swallow the beets, the nitrites convert into nitric oxide upon reaching your gut, which in return helps boost the blood circulation in your body.

Taking a reasonable amount of beetroot opens up the genitals’ blood vessels and increase their blood circulation, which as a result helps men attain a rock-hard erection and last longer during intercourse.

When you take in many nitrate-rich foods, you increase the amount of nitric oxide produced in your body, and Beetroot is among the top rich in nitrate food present naturally. You will not be surprised why many supplement producers have introduced beets as a primary ingredient in their pre-workout products.

3. Chili Pepper

Chili is hot, you can’t ignore that, and just by the first bite, you will prove what am going to tell you here. The primary source of this heat is the alkaloid capsaicin present in peppers. Capsaicin spreads throughout the chili, from the placental tissue to the white bit of the pod. Red chili has more capsaicin spread to the outer shell than the green one.

You’re wondering how chili will help you with your erectile dysfunction. Here is how. Research has proven that capsaicin is a robust nitric oxide booster, lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation. The circulation-boosting effect is highly evident immediately after taking a meal with chili; you’ll be able to see a noticeable vascularity enhancement, your blood veins will start to raise.

The heat on the body and the increased blood circulation is what leads to increased sexual desire and reduced erectile dysfunction.

4. Coffee

Taking a cup of coffee in the morning can go far from keeping your brain awake, to preventing your D from collapsing when you want it hard.

According to research conducted on over 3700 men, those that took 2–3 coffee mugs a day had fewer chances of reporting sexual dysfunction problems than those who did not. From the study, carried out in the Texas University, the Health Science Centre, the project authors proved that caffeine has a similar effect on the body as that of a Viagra or Cialis.

Caffeine has a relaxing effect on the penis arteries that increases the blood circulation in every part of this vital organ.

5. Oysters

There is no scientific study backing the fact that Oysters treat erectile dysfunction. What is packed with this incredibly tasty seafood is what supports my argument.

As noted earlier in point number one, testosterone is the hormone that increases a man’s libido and increases his chances of him lasting longer during intercourse.

Without enough testosterone in your body you will not have the slightest desire to have sex.

Oysters are excellent sources of zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium and vitamin D. These are all essential catalysts to the production of testosterone in the body.


Treating the root course of your erectile dysfunction is the best option than depending on over the counter pills. What if you forget to take the tablets before the game?

Sex is natural, and you should enjoy it naturally. Keep your diet in check, and avoid the stressful life of always having to plan before sex.

Ever had an erectile dysfunction problem? How did you handle it? Share with us, leave a comment, a question, or concern.

