Relationship Break? Total Bullshit — Never Works

Sam Nzilili
Bedroom Issues
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2018


I remember asking my ex-girlfriend, “Hey, maybe we need a break,” and she looked at me, and I could see the utter shock painted all over her beautiful face. “A break?” she asked, and I said yes. That was after she had suddenly decided to move out of my house to stay at the campus hostels.

I cannot entirely remember what I was thinking about at the moment, but I can remember that I was dead scared of losing her.

We didn’t call it officially a break, but it was actually one. For like six months our communication was overly strained. She blamed me for it. We came back together, in terms. But as you know, or maybe you don’t want to believe it, when endless fights erupt in a love relationship, expect the inevitable; break up. Whether you like it or not.

After a long two years, our time bomb finally went off. Boom! Breakup.

Do you want to go on a break? Forget it. Don’t waste your time. Just go ahead and end it once and for all, get it over with. Thank me later.

Forget about Ross and Rachel in Friends, that was a TV show. If you think you can go in and out, and end up together happy after ten years, you are either very religious or stupid. I’d pick the latter for you. Stupid.

And hey, I know it’s not only teenagers who love to take a break when things heat up. Grown women and men are still asking their partners for a break, Lady Gaga did it with Taylor Kinney in 2016, I didn’t follow up on the story, maybe they came back together, or they’re still on break. I don’t know.

When a relationship gets hot, and the fights are more than the kisses, then you feel like you need some space, then you realize that you don’t really need space, you want to feel loved, embraced and cared for, but there’s no one to do that for you.

Many people, personally I was using a break to scare my girlfriend, to get her worried about losing me, and change her mind and stay. Unfortunately, she treasured her dreams and life more than she treasured me, she confessed it, later on, so she didn’t stay. She left. I wanted to feel how it would feel if it were a real break up. And it was excruciating and hard to handle.

My trick didn’t work, so I was left there, in my house, heartbroken and in pain. Not sure why because we had not broken up, but it was tough and painful. If I could see two years in the future, I’d have ended it right there and then.

The fact about a relationship break, and the worst nightmare of it all is that you have to deal with the same pain of a breakup without the finality of it. You are broken up, literally, but the door is left open for your lover to come back, and, funny enough, after just a day or two, you madly want that person to return. You want to end the break before it begins.

There are days; if my memory serves me well, I could leave my house door open, hoping that, somehow, she would have decided to come back. She never did, not until her own chosen time and pleasure. What did you expect?

I was an idiot of some sort, anyone you are forcing and pushing to love you better is not the right person, pack your stuff and go, and break down all the rearview side mirrors.

If you call it quits once and for all, you give yourself a room to think and explore the beauty of life on your own. And reflect on what went wrong in your relationship, so you don’t repeat the same in the next, and even though you are hurting, you can be sure that it will eventually be gone. The pain.

In a break, you deny your beautiful self this golden opportunity. You live in denial, and endless pain, and lock yourself from enjoying life because you still believe you are in a relationship. “I’m on a break.”

Break from what, a class session? Let’s say you’ve been fighting day and night, so you’re taking a break. You expect to come back together and find things smooth now? Of course, they’ll be lovely in the first few days, because you had missed each other. But then what. Can you throw dirt under your bed at night and expect to find it gone by the time you wake up? It’ll still be there. Waiting for you to get rid of it.

It’s like pulling over by the road because your car is producing some funny noises, wait there for thirty minutes, and go on with your journey, expecting the sound to have stopped. The noise stops only during the 30 minutes that you’re not driving. And even if you wait a year, the noise will still be there, only this time it’ll be worse.

But anyway, you can understand why I can never advocate for people taking some time off from their better halves because it never works. A relationship break is total bullshit. Waste of time. The fact is, when you leave the door open in your relationship, someone will notice and use it. And then the inevitable hits you right on your head. He’s gone, gone for good.

Aaah! I just found out, Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney finally broke up, you see? It only works in TV shows. And in fact, it was only a year after going on a break. Mine was a little bit longer; Two years.

Maybe this is terrible advice. I don’t really know what you’re going through in your relationship. But I’m very convinced that it is better a real break up than a temporary one.

Don’t waste time thinking about it. Take it like an aching tooth. You only have two options, you either heal the gum and end the pain, or remove the tooth. Unfortunately, many people take the easy way out, removing the tooth.

A break won’t do you any good. If your boyfriend wants to get married and you don’t, going on a break won’t solve it. Set him free to marry whoever is ready to get married. Of course not you.

A break won’t erase the fact that you went out on a wild party and drunk yourself silly, and slept with the party host. If he can’t forgive you for it now, he won’t forgive you when you get back together after two months. After the break.

And of course, a break won’t change the fact you’re broke, and your girlfriend wants to date a loaded guy. Going on a three-month break won’t bring you back rich — unless you’re planning to rob a bank. Wealth is gradual, so cut the crap, forget breaks, call it off, and go back to the lake and catch another fish that can fit in your pan.

A break might only work when your partner is going to a rehab where communication is prohibited. Otherwise, go work on your relationship problems, or break it up once and for all.

Relationship Break? Total Bullshit — Never Works

