Elton John Foundation

Ron The Siberian
Siberia Today
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2019
Photo by Vittore Buzzi on Unsplash

Hi Guys, sorry that I haven’t written for a while but you’re lucky because something has gotten under my skin and I need to vent.

As you are aware there are many issues in the world and I’m happy that NGOs step up to the plate when nations are to busy having their tit for tats.

I live in Tomsk which is in the middle of Siberia a really peaceful, pleasant place to live. Most people make very little money but have great success. But in the last decade, the Western thinking that money is the measure to success has pushed its way into this part of the world. Many, thank you, Lord, have a solid footing that success is something other than money but there are enough people that succumb to such Western thinking — that when they do not meet this standard of success, by a long shot, they revert to such things as drugs which carries with it the modern disease HIV/AIDS.

When I was young in America, money was a means but not the only means to some end, what happen? This is a different topic.

Okay, let’s go to what is festering under my skin.

For a long time in Tomsk, various AIDS projects have been implemented with the support of foreign NGOs and one such projects was implemented by the Elton John Foundation not too long ago with a Tomsk NGO “Siberia AIDS Assistance”.

Photo by Nathan Walker on Unsplash

Just this last week the Elton John Foundation canceled their funding to this project. Why? At this point it’s just speculation but how in the world did the Funk, the director of Siberia AIDS Assistance, house get so large?

So, please Sir Elton John, look pass the unscrupulous acts of “Siberia AIDS Assistance” and its director Funk because there are plenty of good people in Western Siberia that have more heart for the population than for their pocketbook. Please come back and find the appropriate partner(s).

I’m writing this in hope that I raise the attention of the appropriate authorities here, in Western Siberia, because such an organization, “Siberia AIDS Assistance” is detrimental to needed foreign charities funds in this part of the world.

Thank you for letting me chew on your ear.

Ron the Siberian

