
Ron The Siberian
Siberia Today
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2018

I was born 6 June 2018 at 5:40 in the morning in Tomsk with a fine white soft head of hair with a beard that ran across my face as two sideburns that touched with their points at my chin, only to fall out after a week to be replaced with golden blond hair but I guess the beard may come later. I wear a suit similar to my fathers with an elongated head but a little more so.

By the time I was 2–1/2 weeks I had a vocabulary of about 100 words of some unknown language but now my mouth can no longer pronounce those words and all I have left is goo-goo gaga with a cry or two — I hope this is a good sign.

I am a week shy of 2 months, longer than most, strong, back float in the tub with Papa holding my head and smile and laugh every morning now to Mama and sometimes during the day with Papa when he plays with me. I like to listen to the harpsichord and move my hand to the music of it. Sometimes I even let Mama and Papa sleep for an hour maybe even two, I need to know that they are near me for their love because I went through great turmoil to bring this message to this place.

I came to tell you about the essence of it all and the way to see it but you don’t understand my words, so I will move my hands about until you come into my dreams and there I’ll do my best to explain it to you before I drink too much of the fog.

Photo by Brunel Johnson

It is everything and you are part of this everything. Care for it, be patient with it, remember, you as the finger may scratch your eye out and not feel it as the finger but you harm yourself just the same. Wear a soft glove and be kind and protect those less fortunate, love all that is around you, for in this you’re being kind and loving to yourself (Papa, I hope I can give this to you). Do you see me crying to complain about something? No, I cry to ask until I receive, do the same and you will never be hungry. Look into my eyes to see yourself and when you’re mad at me you’re only mad at yourself, know yourself and control yourself and love me as you would love yourself because I will be as you. The essence is here in front of your face, let me tell you the way to clear the fog from your eyes — Hope, Faith, and Love — find them know them and you will see, and you will understand why the wise laugh at the silliness of this world.

As Feodor, this is the dogma.

Oh, you want me to tell you more, it will only confuse you until you can do well with what you are given, but just the same:

There are gifts and talents to pick up while you’re here, store them in your soul because you will need to spend them someday.

Don’t forget here we are, tourists, so relax, enjoy yourself and do some sightseeing while you’re here. Otherwise, you’ll get lost in the world and never see the gifts in front of you.

Heaven Hell, please don’t get lost in this silly entertainment, it is the same above as it is below and here the left and right meet on this plain of time.

There is only this present here all around us, always — so why worry about some past or future since you don’t understand time and you have no control over it. By grace, you are here, so live and die and be thankful in all things and your life will be full.

