Rich and Nepal

Ron The Siberian
Siberia Today
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017

Hi Everyone, thank you for the notes, messages, emails asking where I’ve been. Mostly working like a dog.

Rich, remember you need to send us pictures of you falling from some mountain in Nepal.

photo by Igor Ovsyannykov

I know that many people are in pursuit of this thing called “happiness” but I am only reminded of what Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy has to say about the meaning of words and how they continue to change. Especially with lexicon languages like English or Chinese where grammar doesn’t protect the meaning.

Far be it from me to explain what “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” means but it is nearly a joke how English speaking people take this anymore. Maybe the best way for me to suggest how to understand these words is to suggest that you read “Poor Richard” by Benjamin Franklin.

Rich, find that inner peace/silence, where you hear no voice, no conversations, no music and soon you’ll find the words of God speaking to your soul (i.e., your thymus gland). I hope you find that deeper meaning that the bodies mechanical functions just support a higher being that we are more than just animals, so you can come back and explain to me just how that mechanical function captures thoughts or holds spirits. Maybe you’ll even tell me what these thoughts really are but don’t scare me with your tales of spirits.

Remember the spirit of the enlightened one resides in those mountains that angle of light, take his knowledge but don’t give him your soul.

Ron the Siberian

Because I want you to give me your soul by making the heart green.

