Founder Series: Prianka Dhir, Founder & CEO of BoothIQ

Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2018
Prianka Dhir, Founder & CEO of BoothIQ


Coffee/Tea Order: Grande Caramel Macchiato, Extra Hot, Non-Fat. If it’s Tea: Ginger Chai!

Currently Listening to on Spotify: Gold by Kiiara

Currently watching on Netflix: Documentaries (all kinds) are my guilty pleasure.

Favorite City: Currently San Francisco. NYC is a close second.

Team Pizza or Team Tacos: Pizza


In a few words can you describe what your business does?

BoothIQ is a mobile lead gen platform for consumer trade shows that helps exhibitors secure up to 50% more qualified leads.

What inspired to you start BoothIQ?

As a trade show producer, I saw the struggles various exhibitors faced while trying to market their business at trade shows. A lot of them relied heavily on marketing collateral like paper coupons, gift cards, pamphlets, etc. to help them generate new leads. I noticed that more often than not, these businesses saw little or no return on their investment and had no real way of measuring success.

That’s where the idea of BoothIQ came in — I wanted to make the exhibitor experience more meaningful by increasing their exposure, leads, and sales at every trade show.

Did you always know from a young age you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship was always something that intrigued me. I loved the idea of turning an idea into a tangible product/service and sharing that creation with the world. I started various small ventures throughout high school and college and once I got a taste of the startup life, I couldn’t stop.

What was the most challenging part of starting BoothIQ? And, how did you overcome it?

The consumer trade show industry has been stagnant for a long time. In an industry where traditional marketing methods such as paper-based promotional materials are essentially the status quo, it was difficult to push a digital product that moved the entire marketing process directly to mobile. By educating trade show producers and exhibitors on the opportunities available by going digital, we were able to build trust, create new relationships, and win the opportunity to showcase and sell our platform.

What is the best lesson you have learned in business thus far?

Change is inevitable and feedback is priceless. We’ve been able to navigate through the ups and downs of being a startup by staying agile and accepting feedback and new ideas from all different places.

Ego can sometimes be a hurdle as resisting change can be easier than accepting it. We’ve always stayed true to our goal of wanting to become the new standard in consumer trade show marketing but have allowed the platform itself to be guided by the feedback of our customers. I believe this has been our greatest asset and has enabled us to build a better platform to achieve our overall vision.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Goal-setting is important for staying motivated as a startup founder. Some days don’t feel as productive as others, but as long as you’re working towards reaching your weekly or monthly goals, you’ll know that you’re focusing on the milestones that count. It also helps to celebrate the small wins from time to time and remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place.

How do you avoid burnout?

Celebrating the wins, even if they’re small! My family and friends also keep me grounded, motivated and supported throughout the startup journey. I truly owe many of my successes to the people that have supported me to get here.

What is something you’ve learned while building your startup that you wish you had known before you began?

Comparing yourself to other startups is often more hurtful than helpful. In Silicon Valley, there are startups of all sizes and scales and no two businesses are alike. It’s important to view your progress as a personal journey and not use other people’s milestones or ideas of success as your own. You know your industry better than anyone else, so always trust your gut and measure your progress against your own personal roadmap.

Has there been a book that’s made you a better founder?

I’ve always loved “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. There are so many lessons in that book that have helped me learn more about myself, be a better founder, and an even better person. Definitely a must-read!

What advice would you give fellow millennials who want to start their own business?

Getting started is usually the hardest part. There are so many great ideas out there but very few of them actually become a viable business. We live in a time where you can make the choice to do something different and take on a challenge — even it’s just a side hustle in the beginning. I encourage anyone wanting to start a business to explore their ideas, talk to mentors, and find every reason to get started on creating the company they believe in.

Let’s take a peek in the BoothIQ App!

Visit to learn more!
Visit to learn more!

Learn more about Prianka:

Prianka Dhir is the Founder & CEO of BoothIQ, a San Francisco-based startup focused on reinventing exhibitor lead generation at trade shows through technology and analytics. She has been featured on, TechVibes, and Fox News for her work in trade show innovation, specializing in bridal shows. Prianka holds a B.Com in Marketing & Entrepreneurship from the University of British Columbia. In her free time, Prianka enjoys spending time with family and friends, testing out new recipes, and exploring new cities.

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