What Does the Story of Your Business Really Say About You?

Learn Business Development Strategist Traci DeForge’s go-to tips on how to get the details right.

Springboard Enterprises
Been There Run That
3 min readJul 31, 2018


I’ve been a CEO. I’ve founded and successfully owned and operated multiple businesses. I’ve consulted thousands of entrepreneurs on building the business of their dreams. I am often posed the question, “What is the one thing I can do immediately to see growth in my company?” I have one answer every single time: pay attention to all of the details and it will grow steadily and swiftly.

Maui Jim is my biggest testimonial when it comes to delivering a quality product and over the top customer service. Take for example, my “sunglass junkie” persona. I have a habit of purchasing expensive sunglasses. The company creates customer happiness by sending you a new pair if you break yours. The brand loyalty created is worth every penny of the cost of the glasses. The goodwill inspires repeat business. The word of mouth generates new business. It is a win- win for everybody.

The difference between your business being average and your business being the next Maui Jim of your industry comes down to being hyper vigilant about all the details of customer service. It is going above and beyond with the little things. This will be sure to start creating the best representation of your product or service.

Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple is quoted saying, “Details matter, It’s worth getting it right”. I add to that by saying, it’s worth getting it right the first time. The deliberate focus on getting things right is the most affordable contribution to your business. It guarantees a satisfied customer the first time.

Here are my go- to attention to detail areas I concentrate on for success.

Consistency is key. This is important both in the branding and pricing of your business services and products. Paying attention to design areas like the fonts and colors of your logo on all of your materials is important — everything from signage to business cards. Consumers notice these details even if it is on a subliminal level. When everything is visually consistent it creates a calmer experience for the customer and builds immediate trust. Consistency in your pricing is imperative. Everybody wants to feel like they got the same great deal as their neighbor. Once you begin to build trust through solid branding, don’t break it by being inconsistent with what you charge them.

Check double check. This encompasses all elements of your business. Check with your employees to ensure they really do understand the details of the new product you are launching. Print out a copy of any design work before approving it. Logos look different on every screen make sure you love the way yours looks on paper. Most importantly, check double check your financial reality against your projected goals. It is far easier to course correct than to start over.

Hit the Pause button. If you are tired while working on a big project step away. I work late at night but I never hit the send button until I hit the pause button, sleep on it and review it one more time with a fresh set of eyes. The pause button can be especially useful before hitting send on an email that has been written when you are frustrated with or disappointed in the receiving party.

I often use the phrase “the story is the same, the details are different.” There is no truer statement when it comes to gaining the competitive edge in your business. Your competitor may be telling the same story about a similar product or service. The business who has their eye on the details of making it the very best it can be will be the clear leader.

Traci DeForge, Business Development Strategist, has a proven track record of success in launching new businesses and directing operations for successful businesses throughout North America. She is an integral part of the brand conception, start up implementation, and revenue strategy development for multiple businesses which continue to grow financially in the marketplace. She has worked with leaders and intact teams at companies such as Hilton, Marriott, British Airways and Google. Clients include Microsoft and Weight Watchers International.



Springboard Enterprises
Been There Run That

Springboard’s mission is to accelerate the growth of companies led by women through access to essential resources and a global community of experts.