CARTOON: Trump’s Tax Returns Are Never Coming

Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding
2 min readApr 4, 2019
“Okay I’ll show you but fair warning, ‘Taxes’ is what I call my penis.”

Let’s not kid ourselves. Trump is never going to release his Tax returns. “Release” is a great word to use in reference to them because if we want them we are going to have to use tactics as desperate as a hostage negotiator if we ever want to see them in public.

Trump, no matter what side you stand on, is a guy who will seemingly say anything to get what he wants or hide what he doesn’t want. He even recently said that his father was from Germany just to endear himself. (Although I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one and say that maybe he doesn’t know his own father.)

His excuses for not giving up his taxes have ranged from, “I’m being audited,” to “I don’t think that anybody cares.” and my personal favorite “none of your business.” Way to speak to the American people.

Truth is, I’m not angry that he won’t release his tax returns. I’m just surprised that anyone thinks that there is some magical way to reason with him that will eventually get him to change his mind. He should have changed his mind about his hairstyle a long time ago. If that’s not happening, then, of course, the tax returns aren’t.

Victor Varnado is a brilliant writer, cartoonist, and comedian who always authors his own bylines. Following the rule of threes, his work has appeared on Comedy Central, Vice, and Marvel Comics. You can catch up with him weekly on his podcast Six Unseemly Questions and you should also follow him on Twitter and Instagram.



Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding

Comedian, Writer, filmmaker, and cartoonist who is mostly a person like you.