CARTOON: We Are Becoming A Nation Of Liars

Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding
2 min readApr 5, 2019
“Considering Brian Rini and Jussie Smollett, maybe I was a little hard on you.”

President Trump has told over 9000 lies in less than 800 days so the number of falsehoods our citizens are dropping into our laps should not surprise anyone.

The latest whopper brought to us by Brian Rini, a recently released ex-convict was that he was Timothy Pitzen, a missing child from almost a decade ago. When Brian showed up in Kentucky looking disheveled and asking for help the story of his miraculous return spread like wildfire across the internet before DNA tests revealed the truth: that he was lying.

Jussie Smollett captured the attention of the zeitgeist and fired up LGBT and African America communities alike with his outlandish yarn of a homophobic attack he supposedly suffered at the hand of assailants one late night in Chicago. Smollett’s story later proved to be false. Some sources even say that he orchestrated the whole thing just to get a salary increase. So gross.

The common thread seems to be that everyone is taking advantage of the internet’s instant acceptance, judgment, and proliferation of the first great story that comes along.

Sadly, it looks like no charges will be filed in either case. The real victim I would guess will be the next person that comes forward with a wild story because like the boy who cried wolf, soon disbelief will be the public’s default and victims will be left in the dark to be gobbled up alone.

Sweet dreams everyone.

Victor Varnado is a brilliant writer, cartoonist, and comedian who always authors his own bylines. Following the rule of threes, his work has appeared on Comedy Central, Vice, and Marvel Comics. You can catch up with him weekly on his podcast Six Unseemly Questions and you should also follow him on Twitter and Instagram.



Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding

Comedian, Writer, filmmaker, and cartoonist who is mostly a person like you.