The Best (Understandable) Review of The Mueller Report

Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding
2 min readApr 22, 2019
James Stone Of LegalEagle

I like the internet because absolutely anything you could wish for has most likely already been made into a link you can click on.

After fearing the dry reading I imagined the Mueller report would be and wondering if I would even begin to understand the verbal gymnastics that I am sure is inside, I got lucky.

What I really wanted was a review of the Mueller report told to me by someone who understands the law thorough whom I can also trust to be as unbiased as possible. And if you want to make it a snappy video I wouldn’t mind that at all.

Thank you, James Stone. Though your name sounds like a made up secret identity, you gave me exactly what I needed.

Why should you trust the review from James Stone as knowledgeable and unbiased? That’s his job. James is the host of a YouTube channel for LeagleEagle. It’s a law school preparatory service for aspiring lawyers. They are trying to attract potential clients by showing them that they know the law. I have therefore deduced that they have to try and be unbiased because otherwise, it would show that they don’t know the law. My crappy logic holds up.

Here is the very best understandable and unbiased review of the Mueller report online.

Side note. James was not always great at delivering to the camera. Here he is in a commercial for the same company back when all he knew how to do was be a great prompt for a drinking game where the rules are you take a drink every time he gestures by double karate chopping with his hands.

Victor Varnado is a brilliant writer, cartoonist, and comedian who always authors his own bylines. Following the rule of threes, his work has appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Vice, and Marvel Comics. You can catch up with him weekly on his podcast Six Unseemly Questions and you should also follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

You can get his mini comedy album Stages of Being Black right here.



Victor Varnado
Beep Boop Ding Ding Ding

Comedian, Writer, filmmaker, and cartoonist who is mostly a person like you.