Beep Boop Custom Bot Config

Mike Brevoort
Beep Boop HQ


šŸ”„ Hot off the press is a feature that Iā€™m particularly excited about because itā€™s required in most real world use cases and that is custom bot config. Beep Boop is in private alpha and developer documentation is still in the works, but this should be enough to get your started. Not on the private alpha list yet? Sign up today!

Check out this video to see custom bot config in action and how you can build and deploy Slackbots in a robotic jiffy on Beep Boop.

Each bot project includes a bot.yml file at the root of itā€™s Github repo. This file includes metadata about your bot including a name, description, avatar and config.

Config is a list and expects the following properties:

  • name: the name of the environment variable your bot will be passed
  • friendly_name: a more readable name shown when configuring your bot
  • info: help text to better explain how the value is used or acquired
  • default: a default value
  • type: ā€œsecretā€ or ā€œtextā€
  • global: ā€œtrueā€ if this value is the same for every Slack team, ā€œfalseā€ if the value should be collected for each Slack team. The default is ā€œtrueā€.

Secret config values are always masked and never returned to the client or through the API in clear text, perfect for secrets, hence the name šŸ˜‰

Sample bot.yml file

Once your bot is built and a bot project version created, you will see an additional ā€œConfigā€ section when launching or changing that bot.

Dynamic form shown when launching or editing a bot

Our mission is to make Beep Boop the best, easiest, and most obvious place to run your Slackbots. Weā€™re working very hard to create an end-to-end developer experience that allows you to focus on building great bots and leave all of the build, integration, deployment, management and scaling to Beep Boop.

Your feedback is so important to us so please tell us whatā€™s on your mind and how weā€™re doing. Via email at, on twitter @beepboophq, or in the #public-square channel in the BeepBoopHQ Slack team.



Mike Brevoort
Beep Boop HQ

Just like you but different. Runner, cyclist, parent. Engineering @Slack