Well, Hello There Slack Slash Commands

Brad Harris
Beep Boop HQ
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2016

We’re excited to announce that Slack /slash commands are officially supported on Beep Boop. To help point people in the right direction, we’ve created a sample slash command project that you can fork and try out for yourself.

To fully support slash commands, we shuffled a few things around in the Slack Settings area. After creating your Beep Boop project you’ll want to enable a Slack app.

You’ll then see a new Slash Commands section that has a field for storing your verify token securely. It also surfaces a base request URL that is basically a prefix to any routes you setup in your HTTP server as part of your project. You’ll want to start your http server on the port specified in the PORT environment variable. You can read more about how this allows your project to be addressable over HTTP in our docs.

From this point on it’s business as usual as you head over to your Slack app page to add and configure your slash commands.

While our sample slash command repo just sets up a basic /beepboop command, you can actually run a project that combines slash commands and a bot user that connects to the Realtime Messaging API. There are some exciting possibilities as you combine these features.

Our mission is to be the most effortless and obvious service to run Slack and Messenger bots at scale. We’re creating a seamless developer experience that allows you to focus on creating great bots while leaving all of the build, provisioning and scaling challenges to us. Let us know how we can be your hero. 🙋

