Harnessing the Power of Blockchain: Popula Revolutionizes Community Engagement

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7 min readJun 6, 2023

Recap of Popula Recent Twitter Spaces


In the fast-paced digital world, where web content platforms are aplenty, it’s refreshing to come across an innovative solution that truly embraces the principles of ownership, transparency, and accountability. Popula, powered by the NEAR blockchain, has emerged as a game-changer by leveraging blockchain technology to create an activity logbook for communities.

By maximizing content on-chain and recording engagement and user interaction on-chain, Popula sets itself apart from traditional web2 and web3 platforms.

Let’s delve into the remarkable advantages of this approach and explore how it revolutionizes the way we engage with online communities.

Maximizing Content on-chain:

Popula’s integration with the NEAR blockchain enables the platform to maximize content on-chain, providing a host of benefits for community members. Unlike traditional web platforms where content can be altered or deleted by centralized authorities, Popula’s blockchain-based logbook ensures that once data is recorded, it becomes an immutable part of the decentralized ledger. This fosters a sense of ownership among community members, as no single entity has control over the data. Whether it’s articles, discussions, or multimedia content, Popula preserves the integrity and authenticity of community contributions, making it a reliable and trustworthy platform.

Recording Engagement and User Interaction on-chain:

One of the key advantages of Popula’s activity logbook is its ability to record engagement and user interaction on-chain. Traditional web platforms often struggle with transparent and verifiable metrics, making it challenging to evaluate the true impact of community engagement. By leveraging the NEAR blockchain, Popula creates a transparent and auditable record of user actions, ensuring that everyone in the community can access this information equally. This not only enhances transparency but also fosters accountability among community members, as their contributions and interactions are permanently recorded on the blockchain.

Unlocking New Possibilities for Community Building:

With the transparency and ownership that blockchain offers, community members can have a deeper sense of belonging and actively participate in the growth of the platform. The decentralized nature of the NEAR blockchain ensures that power is distributed among the community, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few. This democratization of control fosters inclusivity and encourages active engagement, leading to a vibrant and dynamic community ecosystem.

With Popula at the forefront, the future of online communities is bright, where blockchain technology drives ownership, transparency, and accountability for an engaging and inclusive experience.

Tracking Community Engagement on Popula with Drip Metric:

Popula introduces Drip metrics, providing valuable insights into community engagement. With the Drip leaderboard and total earned Drips, Popula empowers community members.

  • Drip Leaderboard:

Popula’s Drip leaderboard showcases member activity, allowing individuals to see their ranking based on their engagement. This feature promotes healthy competition and encourages active participation within the community.

Drip Leaderboard
  • Total Drips Earned:

The total Drips earned metric reflects the collective engagement of the community within a specific period. It quantifies the overall activity and demonstrates the vibrancy and involvement of the Popula community.

Drip Pot Overview

If you missed out on the recent space don’t worry I got you covered.

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Summary :

The speaker guest explains that Popula aims to offer incentives to its users that go beyond financial rewards. They express a desire to avoid a “mercenary” mentality prevalent in certain crypto projects, where participants solely seek monetary gain and then depart. To achieve this, Popula introduces an intermediate layer that provides non-transferable tokens called Drips. By design, these tokens cannot be easily traded or cashed out, discouraging a quick profit-seeking mentality. Instead, users are incentivized to interact and contribute within the public sphere of Popula’s platform. The accumulation of Drips can enhance a user’s reputation and signify their active participation and valuable contributions to the community. In this way, reputation becomes a significant non-financial incentive, reflecting the individual’s involvement and commitment to the Popula community.

From a user’s perspective, Popula can be understood as a platform that amalgamates successful elements from various platforms that organize threads and foster communities around specific topics. By borrowing ideas from these platforms, Popula allows users to engage with existing communities or create their own content, providing a flexible and customizable experience.

The concept of Drips is integral to Popula’s infrastructure, functioning as a protocol that captures and rewards user interactions and activities. Drips serve multiple purposes, such as enabling a consensus mechanism called “proof of engagement,” where community members earn Drips for their contributions. This consensus facilitates productivity measurement and highlights active and healthy communities. Drips also function as reputation points, reinforcing a user’s reputation based on their level of activity and contributions. Since Drips exist on the blockchain, a user’s reputation becomes immutable and portable, as it is tied to the decentralized ledger. This immutability enhances the value of accumulating Drips and the reputation they represent within the Popula ecosystem.

Twitter Space with Ready Layer One


In this conversation, the host and speakers discuss Popula, a community platform on Near Protocol, and its transition from a reputation platform to a general-purpose community platform. Popula is designed to empower communities by providing them with a space to gather, engage, and maintain control over their data and content. The platform utilizes Drip Protocol, which records and rewards user interactions with non-transferable tokens called Drips.

Drips are earned by engaging in community activities such as creating content, liking, and commenting. The more active a member is, the more Drips he or she accumulates, which serves as a measure of their engagement and contribution to the community. Drips can also be used for reputation points, providing a clear view of the most active members within a community.

Popula operates through a series of smart contracts, with each community having its own contract. This gives community members full ownership and sovereignty over their content and interactions.

You may ask which existing platforms Popula looks like, if any? ombine some feature of Reddit and Discord in the idea of having a platform for communities (Reddit), with granular role and accessibility management (Discord), but without the need to share an invite link like Discord. And we combine these with some features of Twitter, since the content part looks like a feed of posts rather than a synchronous chat like Discord.

The platform combines some features of Reddit and Discord in the idea of having a platform for communities, offering tools for granular role and accessibility management.. However, unlike Discord, Popula does not require external invite links to join communities. Users can freely browse and join communities and expand their social network.The platform also combines these with some features of Twitter — the content part looks like a feed of posts, rather than a synchronous chat like Discord.

While currently focused on NEAR users and communities, Popula aims to onboard Web2 users and brands in the future. The platform also plans to introduce treasuries for communities, NFT toolkit, within their community.

Popula operates on-chain, requiring $NEAR for transactions and incurring gas fees. In order to make the onboarding process smoother, Popula will add email login functionality, and will experiment collaborations with other relevant projects like Keypom or ShardDog by utilizing their self-service features and is looking forward to implementing SHARDDOG links for community sharing.

Popula’s focus on non-financial incentives in Web3 aligns with their vision of redefining social interactions beyond monetary transactions and exploring other forms of motivation and engagement.

While there are plans for incorporating widgets within Popula, the platform’s current focus is on essential components and modularity rather than an open widget system. The integration of BoS (Blockchain Operating System) is not currently planned but may be considered in the future.

The mainnet launch of Popula is expected to take place between the end of Q2 and mid-Q3, although an exact date has not been specified. The team is working on ensuring the proper functionality of the mainnet for users to enjoy the Popula platform.

Stay connected and up-to-date with the latest developments by following us on our social media platforms. Join Popula Community. We always welcome questions, suggestions and feedback.

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Editor for

Popula provides On-chain tools for communities empowering everyone to Record, Own, Verify, Control and Monetise their social data.