API World 2019 and How BeeTech Participated

with Erick Wendel

4 min readOct 24, 2019


Here at BeeTech, we have the habit to search about tech events and conferences that will happen around the world, and Erick Wendel, our Lead Software Architect attend to a lot of them representing the company, it is a common practice for us.

Coming across API World

In one of these searches, he came across the API World and it was clear how big and relevant it is.

Seeing how big of an opportunity it is, it was submitted some materials, Wendel’s lectures structures and after a couple of months, he got their positive answer.

Erick came up with everything he would need to attend to it, he showed everything about the conference, it’s coverage, how it works and it was interesting for us his presence there.

We covered all the extra expenses needed to be part of API World, we see a lot of potential and it is an investment worth doing, we are expanding our knowledge, our brand and most important our team development and opportunities.

What is API World?

API World is, as the name suggest, the most important event about APIs in the world. It is about APIs in a worldwide scale and services. To bring this knowedge to us was one of the focus there, to understand who some companies use it.

The event happens every year at San José, California. This edition happened at October 8-10 and already with dates for 2020 which will be at October 27-29. You can be certain we will be there next year as well, and you can check out here more about the API World.

Organizing Works

On preparations for events like this, there is challenge our Lead Software Architect already takes (and make a good job doing so) which is to keep doing his regular work and to prepare the materials for the presentations.

Sometimes depending on where the event is held, he even needs to keep in mind the different time zones.

We see how he can split himself in two sometimes still working on our platform architecture and with the lectures in parallel developing the company’s image.

As challenging as it is, it is still really rewarding for Erick and for us.

Lecture material and presentation

Being certain of his role there and what it was going to bee shawn, he started to prepare his material. The theme was about how to scale applications using kubernetes which is something he’s been working on.

His presentation happened at Microservices stage on October 10th.

Event Schedule

At the first day, October 8th there was the event’s official kick off, some API awards which included fastest API, best API, most secured API and et cetera. There was a break as well for some networking, one of the main aspects of the whole API World. On the second day, October 9th, a hackathon happened that some sponsors came up with giving a money prize for the best integration API. Meanwhile some stages lectures were happening about API, AI and services. And on the last day, October 10th some more workshops happened inside the whole event.


Among all the talks and the conferences, there was some special conferences that really got our attention.

The AI themes were really something.

One of our main service provides sending and receiving money for our users across borders for all over the world and we deal a lot with documents to do so. This is what caught our attention, it was shawn AI learning applied to documents, a technology that allows the machine to identify an official document, you can turn it sideways and it will still understand that it is a document. A really important knowledge to apply at the company.

Another interesting theme was about the deep fake. You might have seen it already, it is those apps that allows you to change faces with anyone you want in photos or videos.

Erick Wendel with DanShawn

Besides all of the talks, the most important aspect about the whole event is the networking the event could provide by gathering so many important people on the market. One of these examples is Dan Shawn, Global Head of Developer Relations at PayPal, one of the guys who manage Node (a platform we use here at Bee) and to talk to someone as Shawn really made the event worth it, we wouldn’t have an opportunity like these in other places.

Summing up, this is just a little glimpse of what happened at API World 2019, it is a different format from the ones we attend to that has a Tech approach, but the whole experience and people Erick could meet was really worth it and we are excited for next year’s edition. We hope we can meet you there.

And of course, you can be part of our journey as well, check out our career options, our hive is growing:

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