My 30 first days at BeeTech:

Alessandra Micheletti
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020

what I have learned so far

It has been a little over a month since I joined the Strategic Partnerships team at BeeTech. This is not my first internship, but I quickly noticed things were different around here.

Just like most people in their 20s, I am an idealist. In my mind, I would never have had a chance to make the world a better place if I worked for the private sector. After a year in the public sector… I found out things were not quite so simple.

So I thought, maybe it was time to try something different.

Through a friend, I found out about this internship opportunity and, as I have come to realize, everything at BeeTech moves quickly. Suddenly I had an interview, and to my surprise it was a normal one. Yes, surprise. The recruiter did not create crazy cases for me to solve, nor did he put me in uncomfortable situations. He just wanted to know who I was, where I have been and what I could do. That interview led me to another one, with the Head of Strategic Partnerships and BizDev, Tatiana Delgado and the Strategic Partnerships Assistant, who I now work closely with, Anabelle Urbano.

During our conversation, I was deeply moved by one realization. They actually want to make it happen, they truly are bothered by how things work and want to change something. That’s where I want to be — with those people. And that’s what makes BeeTech different: the human beings behind it and how human-driven the company is.

Anabelle and I laughing, as usual. It is great to work with someone that shows commitment to her job and knows how to keep the mood light

I was lucky enough to be hired. And I was as happy as I was scared. A little background information: I study International Relations. In my previous internship, I worked with Education and know pretty much nothing about the financial market or technology. But none of this matters here — they value different backgrounds.

And here I am, one month later. Now, I am still far from my comfort zone and, honestly, that’s the perfect place to be.

I wake up everyday and go to the office knowing I will learn something, aware there’s a reason behind everyone’s effort and that we are all working towards one goal: to be infrastructure providers of a more fair and equitable financial system. Despite how crazy all of this is for me, I have this amazing team next to me.

Tatiana, the Head of our team is one of the most inspiring women I have ever met; Anabelle is incredibly hard-working and never fails to surprise me with her ability to multitask while helping everyone and teaching me.

Rafael Rebelo, our researcher, is one of the smartest people I know, and yet never condescending; Fernanda Nunes is always so aware of everything that is happening and at the same time always knows how to help her teammates. Gustavo Oreste is always doing his best and looking for ways to improve. Enrico Vincioni has so much expertise and yet, never treats you like you are of any less value.

Strategic Partnerships and Business Development Team

The Strategic Partnerships and BizDev team has the task of finding new ways for the company to keep growing. We are led by the idea that globalisation should be experienced by everyone, which can only happen if we have more equality in the financial market. As a company, there’s a long way to go, not only because it’s a difficult goal, but also because we do not want to settle for good enough. For me, there’s a very long career path ahead. But at BeeTech, I know I have the chance to walk it together with the team. As an intern, that is honestly all you can hope for.

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