The Power of a customer centric culture

and tips to start it in your business

Veronica Kim
5 min readSep 11, 2019


In the past month my colleagues Danielle Teixeira, André Guerra and I attended the 4th edition of Zendesk Showcase in São Paulo which was a whole day of immersion in customer experience. We had the opportunity to hear the best practices from the most innovative companies in the country, to learn about the latest technological advances and we took some great insights to our own operation.

Veronica Kim, Danielle Teixeira and André Guerra at Zendesk Showcase

Our Co-Founder and VP of Product Stefano Milo offered me the chance to share what I learned in “Bee pra Bee” (that means Bee to Bee) which is a monthly event in BeeTech where our collaborators can show their ideas, studies and experience to the whole company and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

It took me a week of preparing and gathering all the content and people needed for the event. From the idealization of space to the storytelling of the presentation, everything has been designed with the goal of making a big impact in our “hive”, since the topic of customer experience is not only a growing trend but a core aspect every business must have.

I benchmarked some CX events out there and found a really cool idea of an NPS themed decoration in one of them. Net Promoter Score or Net Promoter System is a proven methodology for measuring customer loyalty through first-hand feedback by asking

“How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend?

Customers are segmented into 3 groups according to their numerical response to the 0–10 rating question:

  • Score of 9 or 10 are classified as Promoters
  • Score of 7 or 8 are Passives
  • Score of 6 and below are Detractors

We prepared a room full of green, yellow and red balloons tied to our real customers’ feedback printed on paper representing our NPS feedback.

Who doesn’t love balloons, right?!

BeeTech Events Room

In order to bring attention to the event we created an invitation using a quote from one of our clients and handed it one by one to each member of our company. To break the standards of a usual presentation and really show what customer experience is about, we started the event with a surprise play based on a client’s true story performed by some of my colleagues. It was super funny!

Our design team, especially Marcos Vinícius (UI Designers), Karen Veiga (Customer Success Analyst) and Pedro Boreli (Brand Designer — Marketing) developed the cutest stickers to increase the awareness behind our customer centric culture.

Draft with the final versions

Once the play was done, André and I shared some amazing results that can measure the customer experience we deliver everyday. Our latest NPS score from August/19 reached an amazing 88 points and we kept a 9.1 score in ReclameAqui, which clearly shows we are on the right track.

The main lesson we wanted to share was the key for our success: our Team. When all of us are truly engaged in the mission of keeping the customers in the center of our decisions we can guarantee happy and loyal clients.

We also showed the next steps to really keep our customer centric culture:

  • Customer Success Day — a new move we implemented in our onboarding process that gives the opportunity to every new collaborator in the company, to spend a day next to our Customer Success team to really understand the main doubts and pain points from our customers.
  • Barbara Souza, our UX Designer, presented an important project focusing on user journey mapping (which is enough material for another article) about a gap discovered on our platform and an action plan her team is developing alongside with other departments collecting data and creating solutions to solve them.
Bee pra Bee customer centric culture

I’ve been working on BeeTech for a while now and I can see how much we’ve evolved from what we were to this very present. To see how our projects are taken as a personal mission to enhance relationships and good experiences really makes me happy to be part of all this and to contribute on getting bigger and bigger. Shortly after this edition of Bee pra Bee and in the following days I was proud to see how people put their stickers on their workspace and notebooks and I’ve received some amazing feedback:

This Bee pra Bee about customer experience was really nice. I would like to highlight the visibility we gave the whole company showing the importance of every department on the process, the creativity the team had to keep the attention, and creating a fun experience for the internal audience.”

Nathalia Pivati, Marketing Coordenador

“The Bee pra Bee September edition was really something! The CS team’s proactivity and innovative format in highlighting problems our customers go through really made it easier to understand the content that was being showed. With this event, it gets clearer to our team the power each one of us has to influence what our clients experience. Our challenge now is to break the status quo so that we can be more unique and special in both our culture and the services we provide.”

Isabela Lameiro, Culture and Development Analyst Senior

This edition of Bee pra Bee was all about the value of customer experience and its undeniable link with employee experience.

Special thanks to all the people who were engaged in the conception and execution of this event. We had an incredible diverse team behind the scenes that surely made it happen.

BeeTech office with the NPS balloons

Did I mention we are growing? If you find yourself frustrated with people praising deliveries but not quality just to fulfill agendas, we understand! Here at BeeTech we care about the job that has been done and we love to see what people have to show us, what they are currently doing, and how that impacts people.

Check out our career options, you can always make a difference in people’s lives.


We’d love to hear from you on this subject. Please leave your comments with any feedback, ideas, and your own experiences below ;)

#LetsBeeGlobalTogether #CustomerCentricCulture #GoBee

