Discovering the Charm of Analog Photography in Berlin

Embrace the Art of Film Photography in the Heart of Germany

Photography is an art form that has captured the hearts of many people. With the advancement of technology, digital photography has become the norm, but analogue photography still holds its charm.

Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany, has a thriving analogue photography community and is a great place to start your analogue photography journey.

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This article will guide you through the basics of analogue photography and the best places to buy equipment, develop film, and capture amazing shots in Berlin.

Analogue photography, also known as film photography, is a traditional form of photography that uses film rolls to capture images. Unlike digital photography, it requires a different set of skills and techniques to get the best results.

Film rolls come in various types such as colour negative, black and white, and slide film, each with its unique properties and limitations.

To start your journey in analogue photography, you’ll need a film camera, a roll, and a light meter.

Berlin is home to many vintage camera shops, where you can find a wide variety of film cameras.

A popular shop is “Lomography,” which specializes in selling and promoting analogue photography. They have a range of film cameras, film rolls, and accessories for you to choose from.

If you’re looking for a classic film camera, you can also visit the “Berlin Camera Exchange,” where you’ll find a wide range of used cameras, including classic models from brands such as Leica, Hasselblad, and more.

Once you’ve captured your images, you’ll need to develop the film. Berlin has several film labs that offer to develop printing services, including “Kreuzberg’s Fotolabor.”

They offer high-quality developing services, as well as printing and scanning options, making it a convenient one-stop shop for your analogue photography needs.

When it comes to capturing amazing shots, Berlin has plenty of opportunities to explore. From its historic architecture to its bustling street life, the city has something to offer for every photographer.

The Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, and the Reichstag building are just a few iconic landmarks you can capture on film. Berlin’s street life is also a great subject for photographers.

Its vibrant and eclectic neighbourhoods, such as Kreuzberg and Neukölln, offer a great backdrop for street photography.


Analogue photography is a unique and rewarding experience, and Berlin is the perfect place to start your journey. With its thriving photography community, vintage camera shops, film labs, and amazing photo opportunities, Berlin has everything you need to get started.

So why not embrace the art of film photography and discover the charm of analogue photography in Berlin today?

Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals in Berlin on Meetup!

Our goal is to build meaningful connections, support personal growth, and achieve shared goals. Whether you’re looking to network, learn more about yourself, or just have a good time, you’ll find a warm and welcoming community here. If you’re shy, don’t worry — you’ll find people who are open and eager to engage with you.

The camera is more than just a tool for capturing memories, it’s a way to connect with the world and communicate our thoughts and feelings.

This group is like an open house for anyone in Berlin who wants to express themselves and connect with others.

Join us on Meetup at to be a part of our growing community!

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Emiliano Vittoriosi
Beex Project — Photography & Visual Art

Full creator, sharing my knowledge on various topics. From photography to social justice, exploring meaningful perspectives through my work.