Exploring the Art of Film Soup

A Guide to Creating Mild-to-Wild Results

Lomography, a community of analogue photography enthusiasts, has been promoting the art of film souping for years.

Film souping is a unique technique that involves altering the chemical properties of a film roll by soaking it in various liquids, leading to unpredictable and artistic results.


This technique has been used by photographers and artists to add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to their work.

What is Film Soup?

Film souping is a process where a film roll is soaked in various liquids to change its chemical properties.

This technique has been used for decades by photographers and artists who want to add a unique touch to their work. The liquids used for film souping can range from household items such as coffee, tea, and wine to specialized libations such as developer and fixer.

The soaking time and temperature can also be adjusted to create different effects.


Why Soup Your Film?

Film souping allows photographers and artists to experiment with their work and create unique and unpredictable results. It adds an element of chance to the creative process, leading to one-of-a-kind images.

Additionally, film souping can also be used to correct specific issues with a film roll, such as fixing underexposure or overexposure problems.

Step-by-Step Guide to Film Souping:


Choose your film roll:

Before you start souping, it’s important to choose the right type of film for your project. Lomography recommends using colour negative or slide film for the best results.

Choose your liquid:

Decide what type of liquid you want to use for your film soup. This can range from household items such as coffee, tea, or wine to specialized liquids such as developers and fixers.

Prepare the liquid:

Once you have chosen your liquid, it’s time to prepare it. For household items, this simply involves brewing a cup of coffee or tea. For specialized liquids, you may need to dilute them to the correct strength.

Soak the film:

Place your film roll in the prepared liquid and let it soak for a set amount of time. This time can vary depending on the type of liquid you are using and the desired result.

Dry the film:

Once the film has finished soaking, remove it from the liquid and let it dry completely.

Develop the film:

Once the film is dry, it’s time to develop it as you would normally.

Different Types of Film Soup:

Katie Small

Coffee Soup:

Soaking a film roll in coffee can lead to a variety of effects, from mild toning to intense colour shifts. This technique is ideal for adding a warm, vintage feel to your images.

Wine Soup:

Soaking a film roll in wine can lead to intense colour shifts, as well as texture and pattern variations. This technique is ideal for creating abstract and surreal images.

Tea Soup:

Soaking a film roll in tea can lead to a mild toning effect, giving your images a warm and vintage feel.

Developer Soup:

Soaking a film roll in the developer can lead to intense colour shifts and contrast changes. This technique is ideal for correcting underexposure or overexposure problems.

Fixer Soup:

Soaking a film roll in a fixer can lead to intense contrast changes, as well as texture and pattern variations. This technique is ideal for creating abstract and surreal images.


Film souping is a unique and creative technique that allows photographers and artists to experiment with their work and create one-of-a-kind results.

Whether you want to add a touch of vintage warmth to your images with a coffee soup or create surreal and abstract images with wine or fixer soup, the possibilities are endless.

With film souping, the creative process becomes a journey of experimentation and discovery. So, why not give it a try and see what unique and beautiful results you can create?


Have you ever tried film souping? What was your experience like and what kind of results did you achieve?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Emiliano Vittoriosi
Beex Project — Photography & Visual Art

Full creator, sharing my knowledge on various topics. From photography to social justice, exploring meaningful perspectives through my work.