Exploring the Timeless Photography of the Masters

A Look at the Iconic Works of Saul Leiter, Alex Webb, Arthur Meyerson, Harry Gruyaert, Fan Ho, Joel Meyerowitz, and Martin Parr


The past century has seen photography become one of the most powerful and influential art forms, and the works of the masters in the field have stood the test of time.

Here, we will explore the iconic works of Saul Leiter, Alex Webb, Arthur Meyerson, Harry Gruyaert, Fan Ho, Joel Meyerowitz, and Martin Parr and how they have each made their mark on the industry.

Saul Leiter has been called one of the most important photographers of the 20th century. He was known for his use of colour, often taking images of urban scenes in vibrant hues.

He was a master of composition, creating a sense of harmony in his images and capturing the beauty of everyday life. His work has been exhibited and collected around the world, and his influence can be seen in the works of many contemporary photographers.

Alex Webb is an American photographer best known for his street photography. He is known for his use of vivid colours, often creating a sense of energy and movement in his photographs. His works capture many emotions, from joy to sadness, and his images often tell a story without words.

He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited around the world.

Arthur Meyerson is a renowned American photographer and educator. He is known for his colourful landscapes and imagery that captures the beauty of nature.

He is also known for his use of light to create a sense of atmosphere in his works. He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.

Harry Gruyaert is a Belgian photographer known for his colourful images of everyday life.

He is known for his use of colour, often creating a sense of energy in his works. He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited around the world.

Fan Ho is a renowned Chinese photographer and filmmaker. He is known for his use of light and shadows, often creating a sense of drama in his works. He is also known for his use of bright colours, often making a sense of vibrancy in his photographs.

He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.

Joel Meyerowitz is an American photographer known for his colour street photography. He has been credited with helping to popularize the use of colour in street photography, often using it to create a sense of energy and life in his images.

He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.

Martin Parr is a renowned British photographer known for his ironic and often humorous images.

He is known for his use of colour and his ability to capture the essence of a place or moment. He has published numerous books and his works have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.


The works of Saul Leiter, Alex Webb, Arthur Meyerson, Harry Gruyaert, Fan Ho, Joel Meyerowitz, and Martin Parr have influenced and inspired generations of photographers. Their works have stood the test of time and will continue to do so for years to come.

Here are some exercises to practice the style of these iconic photographers:

  • Take a 30-minute walk around your neighbourhood and capture the everyday scenes and people around you with your camera.
  • Capture the beauty of nature by photographing landscapes and wildlife in vibrant colours.
  • Photograph a busy street scene and experiment with capturing movement and emotion with colour.
  • Take photos of everyday objects and experiment with light and shadows to create a sense of drama.
  • Find a unique point of view and take photos of a familiar scene from a different angle.
  • Capture the essence of a place or moment by experimenting with composition and colour.
  • Look for humour and irony in everyday life and capture it with your camera.
  • Practice shooting in black and white to capture the atmosphere and mood of a scene.
  • Research the work of other famous photographers and look for inspiration to explore new techniques.
  • Practice shooting with a wide-angle lens to capture large scenes and landscapes.
  • Visit a museum or gallery to look at the work of the masters in person and take notes on their techniques.
  • Look at works of art and photography books to learn more about the history of photography and the artists that have influenced it.
  • Practice photographing at different times of the day to explore the effects of light and shadow on your images.

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Emiliano Vittoriosi
Beex Project — Photography & Visual Art

Full creator, sharing my knowledge on various topics. From photography to social justice, exploring meaningful perspectives through my work.