Legend of the Red Dragon II (1991)

Aun Collective
Before Azeroth
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2021

Day #07


(1) Visit at least one new town.

(2) Visit at least one new region.

(3) Upgrade armor and weapon.

(4) Level up to level 8.

Today started off with some reckless exploration that resulted in losing 690 XP and half of our gold in a death to a greater foe. We did find Oasis and Eastern Desert, though, as well as some lesser foes that rewarded really good XP for being level 6.

Oasis, a map area quite a few screens away from where we should otherwise be leveling. We’ll just run from the fights that are too difficult and make use of our green potions.

We had a disconnect from the server, yet it still showed me logged in on one of the nodes. I had to wait until later to log back in.

Tickets are quite expensive, which implies that level 6 is likely too low to handle potential foes in those areas.

I logged back in and grinded enough XP to challenge the level 6 boss. I lost the fight, which requires waiting until tomorrow to fight. There are a few armor and weapon upgrades available in PortTown, so I will likely go there later to upgrade.

This was going to be the last article of the series, with an ending section on my impressions of the game. Despite this game’s graphical and gameplay simplicity and amateurish writing, it’s quite enjoyable. It requires using your imagination a bit, but there’s a bit of strategy necessary to succeed in the game — especially if you are a lower level character in a higher level zone. We’ll continue this adventure before the month is up and conclude with a review article and accompanying video.



Aun Collective
Before Azeroth

We are a game preservationist, archivist, design and writing collective, focusing on multiplayer and massively multiplayer games. Also music preservation!