How to Get Started Learning Web Development?

Basic curriculum to become a web developer for free.

Before Semicolon
Published in
9 min readOct 6, 2021


Photo by Jackson So on Unsplash

Whenever you research for a strategy to learn web development the number one piece of advice on the list is to learn the basics first. Understandable but, how does one go about it?

To be honest, I am often going back to relearning the basics from time to time and I have been programming professionally for a long time and have built dozens of web projects in my career;

HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Asking someone to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript — especially in that order — is not a piece of good advice. You should be jumping from one to the other based on topics always revisiting the basics.

It is also fine to skip some topics entirely until you acquire some other knowledge and it is terrible advice to ask someone to try to “Master” any of those 3. Nobody has ever mastered those. It is almost impossible and unnecessary.

The Learning Web Development noise

There are actually many ways to get into web programming and different things fit different people. I have seen people starting from frameworks back to the basics and vice-versa. The best thing about it is that all this information is…



Before Semicolon

Software Engineer sharing knowledge, experience, and perspective from an employee and personal point of view.