What I Like Most About Andrew Tate

BK Johnsen
Before You Fall
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2022


An Exercise In Self-Introspection

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I was watching an “interview” with Andrew Tate and at one point he provided a profound exercise I would recommend we all do on at least a week-to-week basis. He said something like the following:

“Go over all your beliefs in life. Then ask yourself

1) Where did they come from?


2) Was that belief given to you with your best interest in mind?”

What a great thing to do for all beliefs big and small.

After trying it out this past week, I would also suggest rotating between what you feel are positive beliefs and negative beliefs in your life at this time. (You may find that they are only “positive” or “negative” because of someone else’s judgement and not yours)

For an example, I’ll go over one of my positive and negative beliefs I wrote down in my journal:

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Negative Example

Belief — Porn is naturally something most people take pleasure in.

Where did that come from?



BK Johnsen
Before You Fall

Author of Before You Fall, Into the Bright Sky, & Lady of the Underworld. Philosophizer, podcaster,& karaoke-enthusiast https://medium.com/@bkjohnsen/membership