Top 5 NPM Packages and their Uses

Beginner's Guide to Mobile Web Development
2 min readMay 14, 2018

Get Ready! We are going to discuss the best NPM Packages.
What is NPM?
NPM is a Package Manager for Node. It is an online repository for publishing of open source Node.js Projects. Moreover, it’s a command line utility to install Node.js packages, it helps in version management and dependency management for the same.

There are many such packages and we are going to discuss the top 5 among them along with their uses.

1. async
Forget the callback hell and easily use the asynchronous feature of javascript.
Async provides straightforward functions for working with asynchronous javascript which is very powerful and could be integrated into the browser as well. Along with many implementations like handling promises, async is a must-have utility for every node.js developer.

2. express
Express is a fast, unopinionated web framework.
Build Web Apps with a minimal amount of code and with great ease. You can build a “Hello World” application in less than 10 lines of code. A very nice feature is that it does not force you to use any specific orm or template engine.

3. grunt
Things like Minification, Compilation, Unit testing, Linting!
One word: grunt
Grunt is a Javascript task runner, it helps in automating lots of thing with ease. It comes with lots of popular plugins to choose from and you just need to configure the Gruntfile before you are all set.

4. babel
Write your code in ES6 or ES7 features, babel will compile it to ES5 that you can use. A powerful transpiler for javascript which can do a lot more.
You can load different types of files for use without having to worry about the many APIs involved.

5. lodash
A Set of utilities which encourages functional programming style. It makes javascript easier by taking the hassle out of working with things like arrays, numbers, objects, and strings, there are many helper functions to work with these.
Methods like: _pick, _map, _filter, _has are quite handy and ease the development.

So these are the top 5 NPM Packages along with their brief introduction depending upon general relevance.

Thank You For Reading.

Happy Learning.

