A Decade of Behance: Your Stories Told

Behance Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

Looking for more posts on creativity by Behance? We’ve moved our blog over to behance.net/blog.

You’ve shared some amazing and inspiring stories with us about how Behance has changed your creative career. By sharing both your work and your story, you’ve encouraged millions of other creatives around the world to do the same. To celebrate our 10 year anniversary and give thanks to you, we’ve compiled a few awesome highlights:

“The first job we did abroad was for a company from Dubai that found us through Behance. Since then, our work has been recognized worldwide without ever needing to prospect customers. The success abroad only contributed to increase our prestige in Brazil, our home country. Besides it, thanks to Behance we have also been able to measure the acceptance of our projects among the design community: it is the thermometer for our work.” — Isabela Rodrigues of Sweety & Co.

MH Handmade Memories by Sweety & Co.

“This place has really become a place to obsess over the amazing talent that’s out there. Honestly, I think I spend more time on Behance than I do working, feverishly digging through all the amazing work of others in the community. It’s CRAZY inspiring and killer to see how so many people are so much better than you. It keeps me going and wanting to become better.”

Jonas Mosesson

Airbnb Curated Restaurants by Jonas Mosesson

Generally, I can say that I consider Behance one of the best tools to present yourself as a creative one worldwide. Through submitting my works here, I’ve been able to get in contact, to work or in any way to collaborate with people from all over the world. Particularly, this year I was invited to submit my works for the edition by Gestalten publishing house. It’s really motivating — to be invited by a publisher, whose books on design you normally buy for inspiration. All thanks to Behance.

Ksenia Stavrøva

Skogen by Ksenia Stavrova

“As a designer and a professor, Behance was actually key to my international exposure. Not only that, the business side of the practice, the Behance community has constantly been a motor to our positive atmosphere here at the studio either via research or simply catching up on what’s up from the people we follow, discover and your curation in different fields.”

— João Castro of Royal Studio

5th Annual Lovie Awards by Royal Studio

“Whenever anyone asks me how to get their work out there, the first thing I recommend is Behance because more jobs have come to me from there than all other social platforms combined. My two favorite things are sports and design and I get to do do both for a living because of the exposure that Behance brings. Thank you Behance for giving me the opportunity to do what I love every day!”

Addison Foote

NBA Social Media Artwork by Addison Foote

Behance’s 2017 full Year in Review can be found here.

Did something amazing happen to you after sharing your work on Behance?Want to share your story? Tweet us @Behance.

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Behance Blog

Use Behance to showcase and discover creative work. We're on a mission to empower the creative world to make ideas happen.