Language Selection on Behance

Behance Blog
Published in
Oct 2, 2015

Looking for more posts on creativity by Behance? We’ve moved our blog over to

Behance is now more global than ever. It is now fully localized in twelve languages! Language localization has been implemented into the Behance interface. You can now use the language menu in the footer (on the bottom left) to select which language you’d like to see on Behance!

Behance Localization

User-generated content like titles, project text, and job postings will always remain in the original language the creator entered. We do support Behance content in all languages, so you can post projects and jobs using whichever language you like!

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See our latest updates and features on the new Behance blog.



Behance Blog

Use Behance to showcase and discover creative work. We're on a mission to empower the creative world to make ideas happen.