Sustainability 101 — Your Curated PodCourse

A curated selection of podcasts to help you learn how human behaviors drive sustainability.

April English
Behavioral Design Hub
5 min readJun 27, 2024


Imagine learning about valuable behavior change concepts in a fun and easy way from a mix of experts with exciting perspectives. Sounds too good to be true? Enter: Habit Weekly PodCourses.

We curate our favorite behavioral science podcasts into insightful playlists. The fourth part of our PodCourses focuses on the future forward topic of sustainability.

Is it enough to toss a soda can in the recycling? Why do we think of images like polar bears and melting glaciers when thinking about the climate crisis? How can we create a sustainable future that is both authentic and profitable? Learn the answers to these questions and so much more!

You can listen to the Full PodCourse on Spotify here, or you can browse the selection of podcast episodes below.

Now, time to get listening — Enjoy! 🎧

April English

Missed the first three parts of our PodCourse series? Check them out below.

Part 1: Level One — Individual and Community Factors

Is Nudging Enough?

In the “No Stupid Questions” podcast episode, Angela Duckworth and Maria Konnikova underscore the ongoing debate within the behavioral science community about the efficacy of nudges versus more empowering strategies like boosts, suggesting that a combination of both might be necessary to foster meaningful change in behavior.

SBC in the Planetary Crisis

From the minds at UNICEF and Common Thread, this podcast highlights several success stories and potential applications, demonstrating how Social Behavior Change (SBCs) can empower people to take action against the planetary crisis at a grassroots level.

Net Zero as the Easy Option

New research in Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) new report How to build a Net Zero society, finds that most people find it hard to make more sustainable choices in their own lives, despite 9 in 10 wanting to do so. This episode features BIT’s Head of Sustainability, Toby Park, and Andrew Schein and Izzy Brennan from the team discussing how to close this gap between public appetite and available opionts.

The Real Psychology Behind Why We Make Environmental Changes

In this episode, Professor Florian Kaiser explains the deeper nuances of how attitude drives behavior from his research into The Campbell Effect. His insights illustrate that we can’t short-change the development of a person’s deeper environmental attitude and jump straight to simple behavioral incentives if we want to achieve deep and permanent social change.

Part 2: Level Two — Communication

Does Climate Change Have an ‘Image Problem’?

A limited set of images have come to dominate how we think of climate change — like polar bears and melting glaciers — which haven’t kept up with the changing conversation about the crisis. How can we develop a new, and more effective visual language for climate change? What kind of images ‘work’ to both convey the urgency of the crisis as well as inspire behavioural change? All of this and more, with host Neal Razzell.

Transport Your Thinking; Why We Need to Reframe Travel

As we become increasingly aware of the way our travel decisions affect climate change, how can behavioral science positively impact the journeys we make? Dive in, with guests Roy Sutherland and Pete Dyson.

The Climate Paradox

In this episode, psychologist Per Espen Stoknes, discusses his book: What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming. His book presents a series of psychology-based steps designed to painlessly change people’s minds and avoid the common mistakes scientists tend to make when explaining climate change to laypeople.

Keeping Cool in the Face of Eco-Anxiety

Britt Wray, author of Generation Dread and a Human and Planetary Health Fellow at Stanford University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, talks about her work around eco-anxiety, the reasons and extent to which different people feel it, and the tools people can deploy to harness it and achieve positive, climate-friendly outcomes.

Part 3: Level Three — A Deep Dive

Applying Behavior Science for Conservation

Erik Thulin discusses the relationship between applied conservation work and behavioral science and research in academia, the role and challenges of behaviorally-oriented policy panaceas, Erik’s own findings on the importance of social influence in directing behavior, and the role that emotions play in behavior change. Erik is Behavioral Science Director at Rare, an NGO dedicated to employing behavioral and social change for the benefit of the environment.

Carbon Accounting and Climate Change

Kristian Rönn is the CEO and Co-founder of Normative. In this episode Kristian talks about the differences between net zero and carbon neutral, carbon offsets, carbon accounting, ton-year accounting, greenwashing, the impact of AI on carbon accounting, and many more topics.

Saving Peru’s Environment One Nudge at a Time with BE OEFA

The Brainy Business dives in with guests, Karina Montes and Mario Drago, to discuss their work with BE OEFA in Peru. OEFA is the environmental enforcement agency in Peru, and BE OEFA is the nudge unit Karina created to test the incorporation of behavioral economics into their work.

Can Behavioral Science Help Purpose-Driven Brands Drive Sustainability Action?

In this episode, Jonathan Hall is joined by Alex Peters, Global Purpose Insights Lead at Reckitt and Dr. Nicki Morley, Head of Behavioural Science and Innovation at Kantar UK, to discuss the importance of authenticity in sustainability and how it can be achieved through purpose and a focus on driving real action through behaviour change.

Behavior Mapping for Climate Action

If you’re interested in influencing humans to take action for the climate — say hello to behavior mapping. Host Katie Patrick, put 96 techniques together in her custom Behavior Mapping Template, and in this episode Katie takes you through a short tutorial on her custom mapping process for climate action.

Habit Weekly is the top behavior design newsletter packed with the best articles, videos, podcasts, and exclusive premium content from the world of behavioral science and business. Get smarter about habits and behavioral design, effortlessly.



April English
Behavioral Design Hub

Public health professional. Social media and communications lead for the popular newsletter All views are my own.