Write for us

Samuel Salzer
Behavioral Design Hub
2 min readMar 14, 2019
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Good to hear about your interest in sharing your writing with the Behavioral Design Hub community. All published articles will reach our community of behavioral designers in 50+ countries worldwide. Once published, we will also help you promote your article via our weekly newsletter and on our social media networks.

To get your work published, follow these two steps:

Step 1: Apply to be a contributor

To get started, help us get to know you better so we can add you to The Behavioral Desing Hub as a contributing writer. All you need to do is fill out this simple form:

Please complete and submit the form.

Step 2: Submit your article for review

Once you’ve filled in the form, we will add you as a contributor (you will receive a confirmation via email). Then it’s time to send us your work!

Note: We accept previously published stories, but like most publications, we prefer drafts. This preference is because stories typically display in reverse-chronological order on Medium, so if your article is older than a few days, it’s possible that it may never technically see our homepage.

To submit your story to us, do the following when editing your article on Medium:

  1. Click the “” button (top of page)
  2. Select “Add to publication
  3. Choose “Behavioral Design Hub” from the list
  4. Click “Select and continue” to confirm
  5. Click “Submit to publication” to send it for review

And that’s it! We’ll do our best to review your submission within 24 to 48 hours, and publish your post, if accepted, not long after. *Important: Don’t press “Ready to publish?” until you hear back from us.

If you have the “Updates from publications” setting turned on in your Medium settings (which we recommend), you should receive an email from us whenever a piece is accepted or rejected.



Samuel Salzer
Behavioral Design Hub

Behavioral designer, author and keynote speaker. Helping organizations create habit forming products. Curator for the popular newsletter www.HabitWeekly.com