Listening to Fitness Gurus is Making You Fat

Nir Eyal
Psychology of Stuff
7 min readFeb 20, 2024


Use these 4 Science-Backed Tips for all the Gym Motivation You Need

You could feel the excitement buzzing through the WhatsApp channel. An A-list fitness guru reportedly spending millions of dollars yearly to reverse aging was in town to hold an in-person workout.

Without hesitating, I signed up. I was interested in seeing Mr. Guru in action and eager to be inspired by his approach.

The truth is, I was bothered by the few pounds I had put on over the holidays after relaxing at home with family and indulging in the classic rich foods of the season. It was time to get back to a healthy routine. But as someone who has always struggled with going to the gym consistently, I needed a kick in the butt.

I arrived at the beach with about 40 other people, ready for the calisthenics workout. Mr. Guru started with a pep talk about how we can reverse aging, given we take the proper steps — presumably, his steps. We clapped and began the workout. Well, some of us did.

Surprisingly, after a brief warm-up jog, most people just stood around. Mr. Guru didn’t join the workout either. Instead, he spent the entire session preaching to his fans.

As I huffed and puffed, I began to feel resentful. That resentment grew when, at the café where attendees went to chat…



Nir Eyal
Psychology of Stuff

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