No, Social Media Is Not Hijacking Your Brain (Letter — December 1, 2020)

Nir Eyal
Psychology of Stuff
Sent as a


2 min readDec 1, 2020


Over the past few weeks, people have asked me for my review of the Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma.

What I had hoped to see in The Social Dilemma was a sober, evidence-based dissection of these complex realities. I was disappointed when the film instead advanced a narrative that depicted social media as mind-controlling monoliths that are “hijacking” our brains.

To read my review of The Social Dilemma, click here.

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Nir Eyal
Psychology of Stuff

Posts may contain affiliate links to my two books, “Hooked” and “Indistractable.” Get my free 80-page guide to being Indistractable at: