AI and Finance #EmotionAIChat Highlights from 5/20/2020

Behavioral Signals Team
Behavioral Signals - Emotion AI
1 min readMay 22, 2020

This month, our #EmotionAIchat Twitter discussed the topic, “AI & Finance.” Below are each of the questions along with some of our favorite answers for you to check out, but if you want to see the whole chat, head over to Twitter and follow the #EmotionAIChat hashtag!

Question 1: How are global financial institutions currently utilizing AI within their organizations?

Question 2: Do you feel that banks are implementing digital transformation at a normal pace compared to other industries? Why or why not?

Question 3: What are some of the AI solutions that financial institutions have already implemented in combatting the “economic fallout” of the coronavirus outbreak?

Question 5: Do you feel that implementing an AI-driven system within financial call centers will affect customer satisfaction in a positive or negative way and why?

Thanks to everyone that participated in this month’s chat! This is a re-occurring chat on Twitter every month so stay tuned for next month’s date and time! To learn more about Behavioral Signals head to our website or sign up for our newsletter here.

