How Does Conversational Analytics Increase Performance for Your Business? #EmotionAIChat Highlights from 2/19/2020 with Neuraswitch

Behavioral Signals Team
Behavioral Signals - Emotion AI
2 min readFeb 26, 2020

This month, Behavioral Signals brought back our #EmotionAIchat Twitter chats. This month we partnered with Conversational AI-focused company, Neuraswitch to discuss the topic, “How does Conversational Analytics Increase Performance for Your Business? Below are each of the questions along with some of our favorite answers for you to check out, but if you want to see the whole chat, head over to Twitter and follow the #EmotionAIChat hashtag!

Question 1: What are some examples of Conversational Analytics available on the market today and what do they do? Which industries are they mainly used in?

Question 2: What are the most common ways that Conversational Analytics increases profit for call centers?

Question 3: What are the most common ways that Conversational Analytics benefits businesses that don’t work with call centers?

Question 4: What we’ve seen so far is that Conversational Analytics helps increase profits for businesses, but how does it benefit the consumer?

Question 5: In what ways will Conversational Analytics benefit the employee of the company and why does that matter?

Question 6: Where is Conversational Analytics headed? What industry, other than call centers, will it impact most heavily in upcoming years?

Thanks to everyone that participated in this month’s chat! This is a re-occurring chat on Twitter every month so tay tuned for next month’s date and time! To learn more about Behavioral Signals head to our website or sign up for our newsletter here.

