Voice for WFH and beyond…

Behavioral Signals Team
Behavioral Signals - Emotion AI
4 min readAug 27, 2020

VoiceSignals #22 — Musings on Voice tech news

Yes, we know this can’t continue for long. You miss your colleagues, the burnt coffee, the buzz in the background, the social distance from your… kids.

You want to get back into your cubicle…ahem, large corner office I mean. Though that doesn’t mean voice and the technologies, you need for working from home (WFH), won’t be useful in the office. Here are a few things you can do with your voice that will always make your life easier:

Record a live presentation and transcribe it
Almost every mobile phone in the market now offers built-in speech-to-text for emails, SMS, or any other use. Also, there are online services like Rev offering audio to text services online starting from $1.25/min.

Turn voicemails into text
VoxSci offers several solutions for voice in the office and there’s a free trial version for your mobile phone that turns your voicemails into text. You can then send it by email or SMS. Newer versions of mobiles like the iPhone can also convert voicemails into text.

Translate your meetings into other languages
While there are several apps, both for Android and iOS, that offer simultaneous translation on your phone, in a number of different languages, it’s also great that communication platforms like Zoom allow you to connect live with human translators. That means you can have a meeting or webinar, with multiple attendees from different nationalities, that can choose to listen to the conversation in their own language. It’s a similar setup as in large conferences that offer live translation; you still hear the speaker’s voice in the background.

Proofread documents
Using your computer to read documents is often a better way to catch mistakes, especially if you have been writing it yourself. It also allows you to browse or watch something while your ears do all the work. Most operating systems like Windows offer built-in screen readers like Narrator that can read documents. Adobe Reader is free and great for PDFs while there are more options designed specifically for vision-impaired people, like NVDA, which is free and easy to install.

Set Reminders Across Devices
One of the new features on the Alexa app is the choice to announce reminders on all devices. That definitely blurs the boundaries between office and home.

React to Photos from your Contacts
Again with the new Alexa app, you can send one of 3 reactions “laugh,” “love,” and “wow”!

It’s Thursday, and I missed the office. There. I said it.🧑‍💼

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