Voice Tech Predictions For 2020

Behavioral Signals Team
Behavioral Signals - Emotion AI
5 min readDec 23, 2019

VoiceSignals #10 — Musings on Voice tech news

No, not exactly OUR predictions. We’re not Oracles, but… we want to predict if others’ predictions will turn out or not for 2020. We’re just as wise ;)
So, we went out there and chose our top 5 and gave them a “plausible” prediction score. 1 has the lowest plausibility while 10 is the likeliest to happen:

DZone: In 2020, we will see a greater interest in the development of voice-enabled devices. This will include an increase in mid-level devices: devices that have some assistant functionality but aren’t full-blown smart speakers. Instead, they communicate with your smart speaker, display, or even perhaps your phone over Bluetooth, where the processing happens on those devices.
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE: 8 > Voice is the next obvious step for anything IoT, mainly due to the availability of several platforms, ready to be integrated, with some very cost-effective. Our talking robotic vacuum has convinced us we have much to expect from the inanimate objects that surround us.

ComScore: By 2020, 50% of all searches across the internet will be voice-based.
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE: 3 > Can’t imagine half the people in our office searching on Google out loud.

Quoracreative: Google Assistant will soon be smart enough to detect what language is spoken to, just like Google translate.
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE: 10 > This was announced back at CES2019, and it’s now coming to Android and iOS, which means you won’t need to download an app. The translation is in real-time, and obviously, which language is spoken is detected automatically — awesome tool for travelers.

Business.com: Voice Is the Future of Brand Interaction and Customer Experience
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE : 4 > While the writer does not make any prediction, as to how many businesses will establish a voice strategy, we believe they will need more time to be convinced of the value of preparing for the Voice era. He says that if you’ve already built a chatbot, you’re 80% of the way there, to building a skill, and goes on to argue, “Besides nailing the Q&A, you’ll want to lock in your name on the voice ecosystem. It works much like claiming a URL or an app name — if you don’t secure it now, you could be forced to use something less-optimal”. 2020 we will see more articles in mainstream marketing media about Voice and how to implement a voice strategy, but we should start seeing more real-world use cases from 2021 onward.

RAIN: Siri Launches a Voice App Marketplace for Brands and Developers
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE: 5 > And that’s because you never really know what they’re thinking at Apple. Siri has remained a fairly closed-off service since its launch. They first announced at WWDC2016 they would open up Siri to third-party developers but since then have fallen way behind the competition. Siri’s creators, who have since gone on to launch a competing assistant, VIV (now part of Samsung), spoke openly about the frustration they felt when Apple elected not to turn Siri into a platform. Meanwhile, Apple announced again in 2019 a deeper access, for developers, to Siri with iOS 13. From an API to a Marketplace is a long way, and we doubt it will happen any time soon.

5+1…and one more from the creative agency RAIN: Next Super Bowl brands will seek to find new ways to be memorable in America’s living rooms by issuing utterances as calls-to-action within their TV spots
PLAUSIBILITY SCORE : 8 > We might not have many real-world use cases to show and learn from, yet, but showing what is possible, through ads, is a great way to educate people.

⛄🎄 Our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season! 🎄⛄

Celebrating our Teammates

Celebrating our Teammates — Malvina Nikandrou

We’re starting a new line of posts (!) where we ask our teammates a few questions regarding their work at Behavioral Signals and a few more… personal ones. You know, just to figure out what makes them tick ;) And who better to kick this trail than a woman machine learning engineer, Malvina Nikandrou! So head over and read what makes her get out of bed in the morning and who her role models are. Read more >

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Very proud to have Behavioral Signals included in a Gartner (Nov.19) Report: 5 use cases for Emotion/Behavior AI and their Accuracy levels. Human-literate AI is now a reality, and it’s showing up in many applications in a diverse set of fields. Whether it’s predicting ‘Propensity to Buy’ or detecting ‘Anger’, deep-neural-network based models are helping achieve key business objectives. Find the full report here >

What we read online…

An AI tool that understands emotion in speech can transform communications

Anna Mitchell from INAVATE interviewed Rana Gujral, CEO at Behavioral Signals, about how detecting and analysing emotions in a conference call can actually help business interactions. She touched on all aspects of the technology from how it works to what happens with privacy issues. Rana presented an example of how technology can be utilized without trespassing privacy. He says, “… companies can start to ascertain whether interactions are productive or not and what the speaking and listening ratios are. One interesting exploration we did was with a company that carried out most of its work remotely. We looked at gender and age ratios in terms of speaking and listening and found out that there was a huge gap in speaking ratios between male and female participants, with males dominating the conversations. With that data, we can ask, ‘Is there a problem here?” Read more >

How to keep secrets from your voice assistant

“Call center workers who check how helpful our voice assistants say they hear private conversations and couples having sex. Here’s how to avoid sharing your private life”.
Walls have ears; your mother-in-law has ears; wonder which wake-word triggered their virtual assistant to listen-in to their…coitus ;) Read more >

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