43 Quintillion Combinations

David Paull
Behavioral Storytelling
2 min readAug 25, 2021

When you know the trick, 43 quintillion ain’t nothin’.

Hey storytellers.

Great news! Storytelling success is repeatable.

When I hand someone a Rubik’s Cube to scramble for me, they think the more they scramble it the harder it will be to solve.

But really, it doesn’t matter despite the 43 quintillion variations. There are patterns to solving it and they apply regardless of how the cube starts out.

Same goes for a magician. When they ask you to shuffle a deck of cards before a trick your inclination (and mine) is to shuffle the heck out of that deck.

But it doesn’t matter. The trick is done before you ever touch the cards.

Same goes for crafting effective stories. There are patterns that apply regardless of the situation.

Become a practitioner — learn the patterns — and no one can out-scramble you.

If you don’t have it already, my free R.S.P.C.T. Behavioral Storytelling cheat sheet offers one pattern you can follow.

Thanks for reading.

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Cheers and remember, success finds those who tell compelling stories.

