64,000 Words

David Paull
Behavioral Storytelling
2 min readAug 25, 2021

What if you could make the impossible, possible? It’s easier than you think.

Hey storytellers.

There is nothing more powerful (and deceptively simple) than reframing your story to make the impossible, possible.

Example: What if I said you could easily read a book a week? Most of you would think, “Yeah, right!”

I mean, you’re busy, right? Work, family, friends. And don’t even get you started on time to actually, ya know, care for yourself!
A book a week?! Cute.

Now, what if I said in just 45 minutes a day you could read a book a week? Might I have a shot at convincing you?

That’s exactly how renowned brain coach Jim Kwik convinced me. And it was simple. Check it…

The average book has ~64,000 words.

The average person’s reading speed is ~200 words per minute.

Do the very simple math and that’s an average of a book a week in just ~45 minutes a day.

Most of us think something is impossible without ever actually thinking it through.

We just assume because it sounds daunting.

As storytellers, our job is to make the impossible, possible.

The someday, today.

The no way, way. (If you know, you know ; )

Every time you craft a story, ask yourself if there is a way to reframe it to make it a no-brainer.

If you don’t have it already, my free R.S.P.C.T. Behavioral Storytelling cheat sheet gives you a framework for crafting compelling stories. Start with that, then see if there is a reframe you can use.

Thanks for reading.

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Cheers and remember, success finds those who tell compelling stories.

