About You

David Paull
Behavioral Storytelling
1 min readJun 9, 2021

Most websites have an “About Me” section, but a friend kinda blew my mind with his idea of an “About You” section instead. After all, no one cares about me; they care about themselves (as they should). All I’m good for is what I can do for them, so why not make it all about them (uh, you)?

So, let’s talk about you. Since you’re here I assume you have some interest in storytelling. If not, then I’m really curious why you’re here?!

You have something to sell and are working to grow and scale your business.

Your competition is likely nipping at your heels and sometimes you feel like you’re yelling in the forest with no one to hear it.

If that’s you, then it’s smart to be interested in storytelling.

Stories are how you show you understand and care about your customers.

You know their real problems, the toll those problems take on them and their business, and what, if they could wave a magic wand, they’d make happen in a perfect world.

Stories are how you separate yourself from the competition.

Stories are how you ensure you’re heard.

Stories are how you grow and scale by making people feel something compelling.

There’s a process to crafting and telling compelling stories. That’s where I come in. (Not that I want to commander your About You section!)

If you’re looking to scale and grow, differentiate from the competition, and be sure your stories stick, give me a shout and let’s see what we can do together.

