The Plumber Said No

David Paull
Behavioral Storytelling
3 min readJun 18, 2022

My plumber makes me MAD and I REALLY want to tell you why. It’s worth it — I promise.

Hey storytellers.

I was mad at my plumber. Sounds exciting, right? Hang on…

They have very rigid policies, and I’m annoyed every time I call. Every request gets a ‘No.’

“Can I get an estimate over the phone?” Nope. “Can I get a ballpark range?” No dice.

I hate that you pay for the service call whether they do the work or not.

I also hate that they are right.

Let me explain…

At first, this twisted my kittens. I mean, why are they stubborn about this?! Then I realized that it’s actually best for them and me.

For them, they don’t risk giving me one estimate over the phone only to find out the job is very different once onsite. And once they are in my house, I’ll be much more inclined to have them do the work right then and there.

For me, the benefit I’ve come to appreciate is consistency. They do it one way; the way they have determined is best. They don’t compromise. You can either do it their way or you can call someone else.

The story this tells me is that they are so good at what they do — so confident in their process — that they will hold fast and turn me away instead of making exceptions.

At my companies, we get asked to make exceptions all the time. I mean, ALL THE TIME! To be accommodating, we often do what’s asked even if we know it’s not best. We figure it’s what they want, so let’s just give it to them.

But I’ve realized that every time we give in, we chip away at our ability to deliver the best possible service based on our decades of experience. The story we’re telling is, “We think our way is better, but…sure, we’ll do it your way.” As opposed to, “We do it our way, and that’s why you’re hiring us.”

If you want it another way, simply hire someone else.

What do you think? Is rigid the way to go? Is more flexible the ticket? Some combination? Hit reply and tell me what you think. It goes directly to me.

Make sure to grab your free R.S.P.C.T. framework guide to help you craft stories based on how people process information and make decisions.

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