2020: The year we showed how resilient journalists can be

Behind Local News
Behind Local News UK
2 min readDec 28, 2020

Nancy Fielder is the editor of the Star in Sheffield. Here is her review of the year from the editor’s chair in the Steel City….

Looking back on 2020, what is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt which will be useful to you in 2021 and beyond?

We can and must be more flexible and supportive of how reporters work including protecting them against online abuse.

Thinking about your newsroom or team, what will you remember most about 2020?

Local journalists are resilient and can still laugh when times are tough.

What do you think needs to happen in 2021 to make local journalism stronger?

Nancy Fielder, editor of The Star, Sheffield

A future-proof business model.

Thinking specifically about covering Coronavirus and lockdown in 2020 in your newsroom or team, what are you reflections and takeaways?

Local newspaper companies should work better together.

If you had to choose one or two of the most memorable Coronavirus/lockdown stories from your team (hard, we know!), what would they be?

Captain Tobias, who went from The Star to national stardom and a BBC SPOT award.

Has your newsroom or team run a campaign this year? If so, what was it about, and what has it achieved so far?

The Star’s Laptop for Kids has seen thousands of unused laptops donated, refurbed and distributed to Sheffield children who were previously unable to access learning online because they had no device.

Finally, and we know it’s cheesy, if you had one Christmas wish for local journalism, what would it be and why?

Less abuse and more listening to the appreciation that is there but rarely heard

