BelfastLive reaches out to local businesses with #InThisTogether message

Behind Local News
Behind Local News UK
2 min readMar 30, 2020

BelfastLive has launched a campaign to help small businesses suffering as a result of Coronavirus.

The digital only title launched #InThisTogether, which it describes as a public declaration to the small businesses of NI that the news brand will support them through the Coronavirus pandemic.

The site aims to be a powerful force for good in helping small businesses in NI through the difficult times ahead. Following the Government’s advice, many businesses have had to change how they do business, a lot have had to temporarily close their doors.

Through the campaign, Belfast Live will stand up for businesses that need support by informing its readers, in the same responsible manner that it shares important news with them daily, how they can still support their local businesses as the city battles to survive the coronavirus crisis.

Nathan Hanna, Deputy Editor of Belfast Live, said: “In these tough times we find ourselves in, we have a duty to keep our readers informed with the good and the bad and where there’s an opportunity to share some positive stories that shine through the darkness of this pandemic, we will do it.

“The vast majority of our small businesses are understandably concerned about the coming weeks and months ahead so #InThisTogether will shed a light on as many local businesses that have no other choice but to change how they do business.

“We’ve already reported on how to exercise at home and support local NI gyms at the same time, the taxi firm collecting prescriptions and shopping for the elderly and vulnerable and the companies across NI that are recruiting with immediate starts.

“But we can do more.

“Belfast is our home and it’s a special city. We are all in this together — and we will stand together in whatever challenges are ahead.”

The site has done a call out to businesses that have had to change how they do business in order to try and keep things going. Whether it’s offering e-commerce solutions or community delivery services. Maybe that business is sharing content online and socially to help people get through their day. The message is clear from Belfast Live through this content campaign — we are all #InThisTogether.

> Read the latest on local journalism’s response to Coronavirus in our live blog.

