Liverpool Echo breaks with tradition and backs political party ahead of election

Behind Local News
Behind Local News UK
2 min readJul 3, 2024

The Liverpool Echo today took the unusual step of actively endorsing a political party ahead of this week’s General Election.

In an editorial to readers, the Echo, which described itself as ‘always a political publication reflecting our readers’ priorities and values, but never party political’, has thrown its weight behind Labour.

In an editorial to readers, the Echo said: “Our role is to champion our amazing city region and to tell the stories of its remarkable people. Sadly, 14 years of Tory rule have not been kind to Merseyside nor to its people. So today we are urging you, our readers, to Give Change a Chance and vote Labour.

“Why? Because we need a government committed to restoring balance to a divided country with a renewed focus on the ordinary people who have suffered most during so many years of austerity. And we need a government which recognises Merseyside’s potential, matches its ambition and offers us a fair deal.”

The title highlight the impact of austerity, problems within the NHS, failing transport systems and the promise by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer to introduce the Hillsborough Law the Echo has been campaigning for as reasons for backing Labour.

“The Liverpool Echo has long campaigned on behalf of the 97 Liverpool fans unlawfully killed at Hillsborough, the family and friends of the victims and the survivors whose lives were changed forever that dreadful day,” said the Echo.

“For decades, campaigners have fought the smears and lies of the establishment to ensure the truth finally emerged. Sadly the system did not provide them with the justice they both needed and deserved.

“The families were desperate to ensure no one else suffers like they did. We support their campaign for a Hillsborough Law meaning ordinary people caught up in major disasters and scandals have a voice. We continually lobbied Labour to implement a Hillsborough Law and were pleased to see this crucial policy in the party’s manifesto.”

Although Liverpool is known to be a largely Labour supporting region, the Echo acknowledged that not all Labour supporters were fans of the current leader.

It added: “We appreciate many people were angered by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to engage with the S*n. We 100% understand that and have challenged him on several occasions.

“And, should Labour gain the keys to No 10 on Friday, we will continue to hold the new government to account ensuring they deliver on their promises. It is time for change.

“But It is also time for challenge. And be in no doubt if the party does win tomorrow, we will hold it to account on behalf of our communities every single day.”

