Peckham Peculiar named best hyperlocal newspaper for second year running

Behind Local News
Behind Local News UK
2 min readMar 28, 2024

A bi-monthly publication which has just celebrated its 10th anniversary has been named Hyperlocal newspaper of the year.

The Peckham Peculiar saw off competition from around the country to win the prize at the Newspaper Awards 2024, held in London this week.

Other titles to be celebrated include the Edinburgh Reporter, which was highly commended, while the Hackney Citizen, Bristol Cable, West Dorset Magazine and Wells Voice were all commended by judges.

The Peculiar focuses on telling local stories about people from Peckham, alongside in-depth reporting on local issues in the area. It also showcases local photography.

It is part of Peculiar Publications which also publishes the Dulwich Diverter, Lewisher Ledger and Camberwell Clarion. It was founded by Mark McGinlay and Katherine White in 2018.

Praising the Peculiar, judges said: “A very clear winner, the Peckham Peculiar takes top slot for the second year running.

“It looks fresh and modern and reflects its local community.

“Lovely typography enhanced by fantastic printing, it is packed with local information and is a must read for local residents.

“Its passion for Peckham and its residents shines through on every page.”

Praising the entries to the category overall, judges said: “The quality and quantity of entires shows just how much audiences want real local knowledge from local news outlets in an easy-to-read printed format.

“They want newspapers that they can really trust, deliverly precisely targets news content.

“Hyperlocals play an increasingly impoortant role in their local communities.

“To succeed, hyperlocal community newspapers have to be tenacious and innovative and are looking to constantly evolve.”

