Yorkshire Post unveils fresh look — with editor urging readers to help protect title

Behind Local News
Behind Local News UK
3 min readSep 4, 2022


The editor of the Yorkshire Post has urged readers to rally behind the title as he unveiled a new-look for the paper.

James Mitchinson, writing to readers on page 2 of yesterday’s new-look Yorkshire Post, said: “It is often easy to take for granted a quality regional newspaper like this one but I can assure you quality journalism such as that we aspire to bring you is under threat.

“Few places in the country have what you now have in your hands — independent, trusted, thoughtful journalism that has as its North star the betterment of the people and places it serves.

“Increasingly, flimsy, click-bait websites are all that’s left in some communities but with your help, please ask a friend to support us, we can protect and enhance the Yorkshire Post for generations to come.”

The new-look Post includes new fonts, layouts, a different running order of established features, and a commitment to ensure positive stories take pride of place.

James added: “The reasons for refreshing the look and feel of the newspaper are varied, with each decision taken with a view to improving your enjoyment of our work. We wanted to give the pages a better chance to showcase our best photography whilst updating our font family to one that is easier on the eye throughout, thus making the reading experience more pleasurable.

“Research also tells us that you are fed up of the relentless negative news agenda, coming at you seemingly from everywhere you turn, and so have planned the newspapers to bring you more stories and features that shine a light on the very best Yorkshire and the wider region has to offer, be it amazing people, spectacular events or wondrous landscapes.

“Against all the odds the nation faces, beneath it are communities bursting with pride, itching to tell their rales. We want to help them to do so, connecting you with that positivity.

Included in the redesign is a new daily pull out called Post Script, which James described as dedicated to Yorkshire.

“Its front pages will be a new feature showcase,” said James. “Diving deep into fascinating narratives from all walks of life in words and pictures.”

